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CCP Set-Up by the Globalists, SWQW Plot Foiled?

As you know by now, I am a huge fan of Clif High’s and I just find him incredibly amusing and brilliant. His latest video is over an hour long but nine minutes in, for about 10 minutes, he gives what is, in my opinion the best explanation of what’s going on with China and their alleged role in the release of the COVID virus that I’ve heard yet and the upshot of what’s happening is potentially great news for the whole world.

As we’ve been learning in recent years, our own leaders are mind-bogglingly depraved Satanists who have done everything short of nuking us, in order to destroy the United States, Europe and all of Western Civilization. Rockefeller protégés, Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon and George Herbert Walker Bush initiated the largest transfer of wealth and technology in known history when they “opened up” China in the early 1970s. Then, Warren Commission member and the first unelected US President, Gerald Ford appointed Bush as the the first defacto Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.

The plan, as we know from the Georgia Guidestones and from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (SWQW) was to exterminate the majority of the global population, to economically collapse the West and to move the global center of power to China, from where the surviving humans would be physically and mentally controlled by swarms of nanoscale brain implants, 5G, the Internet of Things and the Human Brain/Cloud Interface.

The good news is that the CCP no longer wants to go along with this Globalist plot, not because they have any affection for the West but, as Clif explains, because they don’t want to become the Globalists’ next sacrificial victims. He says, “The CCP basically told the Globalists, ‘You’re not coming in with this bullsh*t’ – the pedophilia, the Satanism, the Luciferianism, all of that sh*t.”

I saw this a couple of weeks ago, when senior CCP member, Chen Ping proudly bragged on video that China had won the trade war, the science and technology war and especially the biological war against the US but he also rejected the Globalists and excoriated “…the liberal, America-worshiping cult within China,” and how “their worship of the US is actually unfounded,” due to “…the failure of the neo-liberalism-led globalization of the past four decades led by the US and the UK. Therefore, the development and modernization model of the US and Europe is not worthy of China’s imitation and repetition.”

Clif says here that, “When the Globalists traded North America, the EU and Australia, New Zealand to the CCP, they thought that they were getting a good deal but the CCP reneged on them. CCP are double-dealing bastards. That’s 100% true, always. Xi may be a nationalist, in supporting his version of China but he’s a double-dealing bastard and is doing genocide and is not a good guy – he’s not working with Trump.

“He’s working with Trump as a ‘Fellow Traveller’ but not anybody that’s trustworthy or anything like that. They both have their own agendas that are anti-Globalist but that’s about as far as it goes…the Globalists were in the process of shifting over – but hey! Crash!…Major laws being put in by Xi; the Globalists can’t move and so, it’s all coming apart. And so, someone there releases COVID to screw Xi.”

Clif believes COVID was deliberately released by the Globalists from China (presumably, via Obama, who re-authorized gain-of-function research in January 2017 and Fauci, who funded it at the Wuhan Institute of Virology), “Because Xi Jinping basically has cut them off at the knees; bought-out Hollywood…and has put up blocks to prevent the Globalists from eroding the Chinese social order that supports Xi and the Han Chinese.”

So, if the CCP is no longer in alliance with the Globalists, it looks like the plan to nano-chip the remaining non-genocided human population might not jump off as planned, which may be what we’re seeing, with the controlled demolition of Anthony Fauci.

This is definitely better news than if they were a unified front and their plans were 100% on-track!



“The Globalist elite made a deal through the senior Bush t move and merge the Globalist elite out of the Western world, to collapse the Western world and sell us – all of the Western World – all of Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Canada, America – all of this to China.

“It didn’t include South America and it didn’t include Africa. China is pursuing both of those on its own. The CCP had made a deal with the Globalists and in exchange for North America, plus Europe, plus Australia, the Globalists were going to be able to move into Asia and China.

“And they [the Globalists] would move out of Europe and move out of the United States and just sort of collapse it all. There’d be mass chaos and then the Chinese would come on in and own everything. This is the plan. This was the plan that had been signed-off on and initiated on by Bush.

“When Bush went over to China, when China was “opened up”, so to speak, in the early days and Kissinger and Bush went over there on their first two trips, it was acknowledged by the Chinese that in one trip over there, the Bush family set up 700 factories, set up ownership on 700 factories. It wasn’t just them, it was set up for our political elite, the people we call the Globalists; the power brokers, the ones that are trying to do all this sort of thing; the Uniparty, the Republican entrenched establishment and the Democrat entrenched establishment in this country – Conservatives and Socialists and Germany and Europe and Britain and down into Australia.

“So those elites set up 700 factories…in a single trip. So they knew then that they were doing all of this. This was back in 1972 – pre-1972. And then, Nixon creates the Petrodollar and starts us off in this whole process. All of this was designed. All of this was planned-out.

“It’s come to the point, now where we’re living in the maturing of that and it’s all breaking down. The narrative is breaking down…mainly, because the powers that be, the Globalists and the CCP, they split. They’re broken-up. The CCP basically told the Globalists, ‘You’re not coming in with this bullsh*t’ – the pedophilia, the Satanism, the Luciferianism, all of that sh*t. 

“The CCP didn’t want…to have their society corroded out from underneath them, the way the elitists are doing here and have done with all the Communist revolutions, where they come in and they erode and corrode the society until it collapses and then the Leftists rise out on top on the heap, in the power vacuum that arises, as the society collapses. This is the plan, here, in the United States.

“So Antifa, BLM, the people that run this, their goals are not productive. Their goals are destructive. They want to destroy banking, they want to destroy money, they want to destroy the infrastructure, they want to destroy power, they want to destroy the roads, they want to destroy tourism. They will do all of this, to destroy all of that, in order that that may occur, because they will get no power otherwise. It’s a kamikaze thing. It’s a burn-out kind of an issue. They’re going to do this or die, because if they don’t do this, they feel they will die, anyway.

“So these people, in my mind are irredeemable. They need to be re-educated and given some pathway that is not destructive. Some of them will be 100% irredeemable and they won’t be able to be re-educated and won’t be able to be reached and won’t be able to recover their lives.

“But the ‘Revolution’ is not going to happen in the way that the Cultural Marxists and the Globalists and so on thought. Because here’s the real problem for everybody now. This gets way complicated:

“The CCP is headed by this guy named Xi. Xi doesn’t want his power taken away from him by the Globalists, the Powers That Be, our ‘power elite’. He doesn’t want these bastards in his country, because he knows that they will erode and take away from the CCP – they will do to him just what they’re doing to us. They don’t have any allegiances to any nationalities or peoples or anything.

“And this is the tricky part: the Chinese, the CCP, they’re primarily Han Chinese. That’s a racial group. That’s what Xi is. He comes from what’s known as the Shanghai Group. The Shanghai Group is basically a mob, a crime family within the CCP and it powers a lot of the CCP, itself. We could think of it as the DNC, relative to the whole Democratic Party. This is a bloc that is very powerful…Xi’s the head of it. And it’s all Han.

“And these people are fiercely, fiercely Han, they’re fiercely racist. And they know the Globalists are not racist. They know the Globalists want to destroy all the races, they want to put everything under this weird-a** Luciferian, kissin’ the Devil’s a** kind of weird-a** sh*t. 

“And so Xi ain’t havin’ it. And he suckered them. He took every f***ing thing he could get out of them, knowing all the time that he was never going to allow them to do the penetration that would allow them to undermine him. And so he set things up that wouldn’t allow the Globalists to come on in and undermine himself.

“And now, it’s finally come out to the point, where they [the Globalists] were actively attempting to move over to Asia now, as the terribleness starts up here, in the Western World. A lot of it has been fueled by the release of the bioweapon. That was a deliberate release, in my opinion.

“Now, here’s where it gets really murky…The Globalists invented COVID. They did it in the United States, they moved it over to China – and it was NOT a lab leak. It was deliberately released, in my opinion by the Globalists from China to screw Xi, because Xi Jinping basically has cut them off at the knees; bought-out Hollywood, bought-out all of the entertainment things and has put up blocks to prevent the Globalists from eroding the Chinese social order that supports Xi and the Han Chinese. 

“Now, the Han Chinese are not a majority. They’re outnumbered by all of the other types of Chinese people [This is incorrect. The Han make up 92% of the People’s Republic of China and 18% of the planetary population. I don’t know how he could have gotten this so wrong]…The Han Chinese have a big issue, because of breeding strategies, basically, between competing power blocs within the Chinese population. This is why they do things like genocide against the Uyghur people…so they can keep power for the CCP.

“When the Globalists traded North America, the EU and Australia, New Zealand to the CCP, they thought that they were getting a good deal but the CCP reneged on them. CCP are double-dealing bastards. That’s 100% true, always. Xi may be a nationalist, in supporting his version of China but he’s a double-dealing bastard and is doing genocide and is not a good guy, he’s not working with Trump.

“He’s working with Trump as a ‘Fellow Traveller’ but not not anybody that’s trustworthy or anything like that. They both have their own agendas that are anti-Globalist but that’s about as far as it goes. But now, they figure they’ve destroyed the remnants of populism in the United States and the Globalists were in the process of shifting over – but hey! Crash now, big moves, big problems. Major laws being put in by Xi; the Globalists can’t move and so it’s all coming apart. And so, someone there releases COVID to screw Xi.”

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