by Catherine Herridge (@c__herridge on X)
CIA Whistleblower Comes Forward
Leaked Defense Department Letter Acknowledges Injuries and Experiences “Are Real”
“It’s a Cover Up…It Should Be Terrifying for All Americans.”
Government Gaslighting
1:25 Foreign Adversary Likely Behind National Security Officials’ Havana Syndrome Injuries
2:40 High Powered Microwave System Weapon
3:37 Under Attack In Africa
4:01 Multiple Weapons Suspected
4:54 Crippling Cognitive + Neurological Symptoms Reported
5:43 CIA Director Privately Blames Russia
6:20 2023 Intelligence Report Betrayal
7:07 Government Gaslighting
8:11 $100K Medical Debt: Labor Dept. Labels Traumatic Brain Injury “Work Injury”
8:50 Cancer, Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease
9:27 Security Clearance Revoked
9:48 Female Officers Injuries Questioned
10:30 DoD letter “Your Experiences Are Real.”
11:53 Breaking Her Silence: CIA Betrayal
12:15 Trump/Vance Administration Can Make A Change
Catherine Herridge: You were attacked.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: You were attacked by an energy weapon.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes, a directed energy weapon.
Catherine Herridge: The Intelligence Community has attempted to thwart Congressional investigative efforts to uncover the truth at every turn. I mean, that sounds like a government cover-up.
CIA Whistleblower: It’s a cover-up and it’s terrifying. And it should be terrifying to all Americans.
Catherine Herridge: The new Congressional report found it appears increasingly likely that a foreign adversary is behind these injuries.
Catherine Herridge: Vertigo. Eye-tracking issues.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Traumatic brain injuries.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Did the CIA gaslight you?
CIA Whistleblower: Me and every other AHI [Anomalous Health Incidents] victim. It was designed to make us think ourselves are crazy and question our own injuries.
Catherine Herridge: Is it reasonable to think that the Intelligence Community doesn’t want to acknowledge a foreign adversary?
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: This Defense Department letter is significant.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: “We believe your experiences are real.” What explains this disconnect? We have a Defense Department letter and yet, the Intelligence Community, the CIA, says, “There’s nothing to see here.”
CIA Whistleblower: The brave people of the Department of Defense willing to stand up to the CIA. If they’re politicizing this, what else are they not telling the President? And that’s scary.
Catherine Herridge: The Intelligence Community has attempted to thwart Congressional investigative efforts to uncover the truth, at every turn. I mean, that sounds like a government cover-up.
CIA Whistleblower: It’s a cover-up and it’s terrifying. And it should be terrifying to all Americans.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: Now requiring the aid of a service dog, just a few years ago, this retired CIA officer handled national security missions, which remain classified to the CIA.
Catherine Herridge: At that time, what was your portfolio?
CIA Whistleblower: I am not at liberty to share that.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: Alice, an alias, is speaking out for the first time about debilitating injuries reported among hundreds of US Government personnel.
Catherine Herridge: The new Congressional report found that it appears increasingly likely that a foreign adversary is behind these injuries. Your reaction?
CIA Whistleblower: Thank God they’re saying it. Thank God they were brave enough to stand up to the CIA.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: The Republican House report accuses the Intelligence Community leadership, the CIA and the director of national intelligence of shaping a politically-palatable conclusion.
CIA Whistleblower: If they’re politicizing this, what else are they not telling the President. And that’s scary. That’s where it becomes like more real.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: A decade ago, this National Security Memo confirmed intelligence about a high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate or kill an enemy over time. Nicknamed “Havana Syndrome”, after a cluster of cases in Cuba, the mysterious cognitive and neurological symptoms strike diplomatic, intelligence and military personnel.
Catherine Herridge: You were attacked.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: You were attacked by an energy weapon.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes, a Directed Energy Weapon. My ear started hurting. I started having vertigo. The room was spinning. My head started pulsing. It hurt so badly. I had a ton of pain in my left ear. And my ears started ringing. And I thought I was going to pass out.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: The official name is Anomalous Health Incidents or AHIs. The recent Congressional report found they have been reported domestically, as well as abroad, including Austria, China, Colombia, Georgia, Germany, India, Poland, Russia and Vietnam.
CIA Whistleblower: I was serving in Africa and I experienced an Anomalous Health Incident in my home on a Saturday night. And I heard a weird noise. It was a really weird sound that I’ll never – I’ll never forget it. And after about a second or two, I felt it in my feet, kind of like the reverb from a speaker.
Catherine Herridge: So you’re feeling a vibration –
CIA Whistleblower: I heard a noise – a weird noise – and then I felt it.
Catherine Herridge: So what do you think the weapon looks like?
CIA Whistleblower: I think that there are probably multiple weapons. I think there are weapons that can be fit in backpacks, ones that can be fit in the trunks of cars, ones that can be planted at a position with line-of-sight to people from across the street.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: Based on our investigative reporting, many victims were assigned portfolios linked to Russian interests, from cybersecurity to election interference and disinformation. Others had specialized language skills.
Catherine Herridge: This Government Record says that you have a traumatic brain injury.
CIA Whistleblower: I believe the Russian GRU came to my house late at night and took me off the battlefield.
Catherine Herridge: Russian intelligence.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: Alice’s injuries are so debilitating, she needed multiple breaks during our interview. At times, she wore dark glasses to blunt the studio lights.
Catherine Herridge: Let’s talk about the symptoms you’ve experienced. Ringing in the ears. Vertigo.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Head and ear pressure.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Eye-tracking issues.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Cognitive difficulties. Traumatic brain injuries.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Taken altogether. Is it a struggle every day?
CIA Whistleblower: Yes. I never thought I’d be retired in my 40s.
Catherine Herridge: Medically-Retired.
CIA Whistleblower: Yeah.
Catherine Herridge: Do you feel like your Old Self died the day of the attack?
CIA Whistleblower: A little bit. You know, I was paid for my brain. I was paid for my ability to write well and to write for the President. I was paid to meet with foreigners and to get information that would help advance US Security Objectives.
I can’t do that anymore, the way I used to, and it’s really – that’s one of the hardest parts.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: As cases spiked in 2021, the same year Alice says she was attacked, multiple sources told us CIA Director Burns said privately that it was his personal belief Russia was behind some of the attacks.
Catherine Herridge: Has CIA Director Burns, based on your experience, tried to do the right thing?
CIA Whistleblower: I think he’s a really good person, at his core. I think he was being honest when he said he thought it was Russia. You know, he is a Russia Expert. He was the US Ambassador there. I mean, I think it’s a sign of like how political this is, that even he fell in line.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: While experts uncovered evidence suggesting a weapon, in 2023, the Intelligence Community took a controversial position that it’s “very unlikely” a foreign adversary is responsible.
CIA Whistleblower: If I had received the finished paper on my desk as a Team Chief, I would have sent it back to the Analysts and said, “You have to start over, again.” It didn’t meet any of our basic, most basic Tradecraft standards.
Was the 2023 report a slap in the face?
CIA Whistleblower: Completely.
Catherine Herridge: Was it demoralizing?
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Humiliating?
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Was it a betrayal after you pledged to serve your country?
CIA Whistleblower: Yes. I miss my colleagues and I miss the work every single day. It was really tough work.
Catherine Herridge: But you love the work.
CIA Whistleblower: I loved it.
Catherine Herridge: Merriam-Webster defines Gaslighting as “psychological manipulation that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts.” Did the CIA gaslight you?
CIA Whistleblower: Me and every other AHI victim.
Catherine Herridge: Was the CIA gaslighting designed to hurt you?
CIA Whistleblower: It was designed to make us think ourselves are crazy and to like question our own injuries.
Catherine Herridge: Did you expect more from the CIA?
CIA Whistleblower: 100%. We swore this Oath and every day, I watch them continue to deny people’s humanity and their injuries.
Catherine Herridge: Is it reasonable to think that the Intelligence Community doesn’t want to acknowledge a foreign adversary?
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: Because, then they would have to do something.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes. And it’s complicated with Russia, right? One theory we bet around is, is it possible that’s Russia and China. Is it possible that, you know, one country created it, sold it, or gave it to another country?
Catherine Herridge Narrating: While the CIA still questions the cause, the Labor Department does accept Alice’s Traumatic Brain Injury as a work injury. Alice qualifies for limited compensation through a law called “The Havana Act”.
CIA Whistleblower: It is a full-time job to try to get medical treatment and is another full-time job to try to handle the bureaucracy of trying to access benefits. I’ve gotten over $100,000 in out-of-pocket for this.
Catherine Herridge: $100,000?
CIA Whistleblower: Because none of these places take health insurance. And if they’re experimental – which, we need – the reality is a normal physician cannot help us.
This is different. AHIs are much more complicated and we’re basically like ticking time bombs, Catherine. You know, I’ve already started having to go to funerals.
A friend of mine, I mean, my friend that was with me the day I got my dog has already passed away. A fellow AHI survivor, of a rare form of cancer. I have friends in nursing homes. I have friends with dementia and Parkinson’s. In some ways, you know, people have a heart attack and if you don’t die of it, we know how to fix a heart attack. We don’t know how to fix this.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: According to these heavily-redacted Government Records, after Alice was Medically-Retired, the CIA pulled her Security Clearance, citing “psychological conditions”.
Catherine Herridge: It sounds like retaliation.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes. My lawyers also believed that, as well.
Catherine Herridge: Did CIA treat women officers differently?
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: I’ve done some reporting where I’ve heard complaints that female officers were told, “Do you think you’re having problems because of your hormones?”
CIA Whistleblower: Yes. Yes. It’s like we’re in the 1950s. They brought up, “Could you be pregnant? Are you upset because you’re not pregnant? Is it hormones? Is it menopause? Is it perimenopause? Do you have an anxiety disorder?”
Catherine Herridge: Were any of the men asked if their hormones were to blame for their symptoms?
CIA Whistleblower: Not that I’m aware of. I’m not saying that men have been treated well, but nothing to the extent – there hasn’t been a systemic action against them.
Catherine Herridge Narrating: After recent government studies found no medical explanation for their symptoms, a senior military official sent this letter, obtained by our investigative team that validates their experiences and reaffirms a commitment to identify the cause.
Catherine Herridge: This Defense Department letter is significant.
CIA Whistleblower: Yes.
Catherine Herridge: It states, “We believe your experiences are real and we are unwaveringly committed to continue to provide quality care for you and those who are eligible.”
CIA Whistleblower: The Department of Defense believes us and has actually gone to bat for those of us from across the US Government. I would not be getting care, if it wasn’t for senior DoD leadership.
Catherine Herridge: What explains this disconnect? We have a Defense Department letter that says, “We believe you,” and yet, the Intelligence Community, the CIA says, “There’s nothing to see here.”
CIA Whistleblower: The brave people of the Department of Defense that have worked on this issue are more willing to stand up to the CIA.
Catherine Herridge: Is it fair to assess that the CIA, the Intelligence Community’s motivation is that this story is bad for recruitment? This story is bad for retention?
CIA Whistleblower: This is true. I don’t know if that’s why they’re doing it, but this is terrible for recruitment and retention.
Catherine Herridge: After so many years of quiet advocacy, why come forward now?
CIA Whistleblower: Because the CIA is betraying – and not just betraying – but making friends of mine and my life a Living Hell. I want them to stop denying what is happening to us and so there can be opportunities to collect the information that we need, so that we can prevent this from happening to more people.
Catherine Herridge: Will a Trump-Vance administration make a change?
CIA Whistleblower: I really hope so.
Catherine Herridge: What would the change look like?
CIA Whistleblower: I’m not sure. The phrase “cleaning-up the swamp” is thrown around, a lot in DC, but at a bare minimum, I do not believe that those people that were involved in the earlier report should be allowed to touch this.
I think they need to actually recuse themselves or should be replaced.
Catherine Herridge: You know what the CIA is going to say: “We’re so sorry some of these former employees are struggling, but we don’t see that there’s any there, there.”
CIA Whistleblower: They’re also going to say that “We take every reported case seriously and we’re committed to taking care of our people.”
And that’s what hurts so much – because they’re not!
The video looks like AI to me. But, what do i know?
Still, that interviewee looks particularly strange.
The symptoms of this women’s colleagues, who are dying of heart disease and cancers and suffering from brain injuries sound like vaxx symptoms and then, you remember that the vaxx works with the wireless commnications. networks
Once Starlink is turned on across the globe, it will activate the nanotech in peoples’ bodies, creating the human body WiFi system, i.e., the 6G Wireless Communications Network.
In-House, cleaning….and two for the price of one……shaping a directional charge, incase, needed later on.