Innocent Jews are under siege from the blowback of the malfeasance of the Jewish Mafia in recent years. There is a rise of anti-semitism, due to the war in Gaza and due...
Category - History & Revisionist History
@BioClandestine: The Left/MSM can call him a “convicted felon” all they like. The People don’t care. The overwhelming support for Trump post conviction, proves the smear...
Splintering of Babylon & Black Nobility | Conversations on the Fringe with James Grundvig and Alexandra Bruce
Four months ago, Sarah Westall had me on her show, in early January, after the story I posted about the infrasonic tracks discovered in ‘Leave the World...
This is the latest film produced by the Tore Says Show crew. It focuses on the past 60 years of US history to examine how we arrived at the precipice where we now find...
THE DOCUMENTARY THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has made a shocking discovery through his deep research that an area he refers to as the...
Former intelligence officer and author of ‘Behold a Pale Horse’, William Cooper, speaking in 1992: “Israel was created as the instrument to bring...
by RT Who is behind the creation of the state of Ukraine? Who devised the language for the new nation? Why and how was an entire state formed to counter and curtail...
Controlled Opposition, Jesuits and Counter-Gangs: Robespierre, Trotsky, Bannon and Miles Guo [The Great Game this Week]
by Matt Ehret What unites the careers and psychological profiles of Maximilian Robespierre, Leon Trotsky, Steve Bannon and Miles Guo across space and time? The simplest...
This is the audiobook version of Dr John Coleman’s ‘The Committee of 300’, of which you can download the PDF HERE. I read it back in 1992 and most of...
by Robert Sepehr Antarctica is the site of the South Pole and the southernmost continent of the planet governed under a series of recognized guidelines and agreements...