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by John Cullen

This analysis is not news. This video is an independent opinion journalism project and represents our opinion, and our opinion only.





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(We could be wrong…)

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Alexandra –


    …maybe you could have a look:

    on a police body-cam recording, from the Butler event 13JUL2024.

    This link goes to the relevant video:
    YT channel : Legally Armed America
    Posted: 08AUG24

    Once you are there, the “7:04” time-stamp is the 1st time I hear the phrase, around “7:17″, I hear it again on the recording.

    7:04…” LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!!!” About 18:15:30 on Body-Cam clock.

    7:17…” LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!!!” About 18:16:11 on Body-Cam clock.

    • Alexandra –
      I’ve posted my same request, as above, with timestamps & links on (3)
      high traffic YouTube sites investigating the Butler, PA event.

      1)John E. Hoover(John Cullen)
      2)Legally Armed America

      It’s going on 5 days, and none have responded so far.

      I find it curious.

      • Ok…points to ParamountTacticalSolutions… YT exchange this evening, 16AUG24
        B said:
         @paramounttactical  SOP?? Sure. Wise & Practical.No arguement….
        …but, if reasonable speculation suggests “Crooks” was “set up to go down”…we have a completely DIFFERENT set of questions.

        • ____________________________________________________________
          paramounttactical said:
          What do you find peculiar about that?
          You have one LEO on the roof waiting for others to get up.
          He does not know if the subject is actually dead or responsive.
          It’s SOP to say Let Me See Your Hands while covering with a firearm.
          He doesn’t want to move forward until he has more personnel to cover his ascent onto the top part of the roof so he’s trying to get a response from subject in the meantime.
          Nothing weird here.
          B said:
          He might have been ALIVE, when the 1st LE accessed the roof.
          And NOBODY finds that of interest.??
          SOP? Sure.
          I can’t see dismissing it, tho.
          42 minutes ago
           @B  nah, they would say that to any figure laying there, alive or dead. Dude was dead. 🤷‍♂️ Just SOP. I’d find it weird if they didn’t say that.
          B said:
          SOP?? Sure. Wise & Practical.No arguement….
          but, if reasonable speculation suggests “Crooks” was “set up to go down”…
          …we have a completely DIFFERENT set of questions.

  • I see in the comments that there is some debate on whether Trump is a puppet or not. These people do control both sides in elections.

    However, I think Trump is legit because he doesn’t hang around with the previous presidents in events that they all attend together. Also we have seen many examples of what it looks like when they control both sides in previous elections. Bush v Gore, Bush v Kerry, Obama v McCain, Obama v Romney are just a few examples. Now compare those to the Trump election races, it is far more uglier, nasty, the lies and accusations are so ridiculous that members of the media has reached mental illness levels of insanity. Also look at all the RINOs Trump has removed out of politics.

    If the puppet masters were in total control, we would have easily seen another Clinton v Bush in 2016 and right now would be going through an awful timeline where Liz Cheney is the Republican nominee.

  • @Pam, I agree. The decisions made and how things played out absolutely makes no sense. How can so many people that are supposedly trained for these type of situations fail? Nobody stood on stage at the podium before the event and noticed the clear line of sight from buildings nearby? Nobody bothered to put or move something there to block the direct and clear view? This guy running around for 20 minutes in a fenced off area and not one member of the team ran to tackle this man? Regular people all over can see and point this man out, yet he remains elusive to security.

    @Jim, I don’t know man. This world can be dark at times but I can’t believe it is that dark. Be positive man. In physics a force creates a counter force that can be just as strong. I want to believe there are good people in positions of power and in the military aware of the situation and trying their best to save America against forces of evil. I agree too many have been manipulated and I hope it changes. My community has lost half of it’s local businesses the last few years. It hasn’t been good, it can’t stay like this.

  • We are witnessing an attempted assassination conspiracy cover up right before our eyes, so many participants and so many agencies involved. Autopsy hidden, security camera footage hidden. Where is the white van and all that evidence? Crooks didn’t drive 2 vehicles. Crooks family silent. Crooks social media scrubbed. Why did CNN cover the rally? Where are the Clarion club interviews? Allegany gun store. No ballistics, no gun info. No FBI presser and only one from SS because of embarrassing whistleblower info. No Mayorkas or DHS presser. Crooks encrypted accounts info withheld. Local snipers positioned inside a building rather than rooftop. Who made that decision? Crooks in plain view walking on roof, seemed to not care who saw him. Why would that be? He saw SS snipers even if they were blind to him. Where is Maxwell Yearick? Did he drive the white van with explosives? Was he a second shooter and Antifa groomer?Why did psycopath pig Victoria Nuland hint about a nasty surprise? Alex Soros post a cryptic Trump assassination offer? This all and more should be heading all news agencies everyday, if they knew how to do anything other than propaganda and deceit.

      • Yearick most likely “black ops” via Ukraine.
        Bit older than Crooks.

        Info space is _polluted_ with conflicting pics and vids of Crooks.

        Most common published pic of Crooks w/ Flag/ Mt Rushmore is from
        >>>8th grade<<<.

        "I'm not dead" video larper
        doesn't look like 8th grade pic, or pic allegedly "taken
        13July on retaining wall at rally from second floor window".

  • Alexandra,

    Now would be a good time to cover the attack on the USS Liberty that happened over 50 years ago. We cannot forget this tragedy and the deliberate cover up.

    I highly recommend everyone read the book, Erasing The Liberty by Phillip F Tourney. Of course you will not find this book on Amazon.

    Our friend Stew Peters has recently covered it, he talked to survivors:

    Never Forget USS Liberty

  • The last few years has been wild. I am beginning to believe that all of this is one big scripted movie that is playing out and is designed to crank up the temperature on both sides. Pushing people towards insanity to run on pure emotions. We have been lied to and manipulated so much, now the manipulators are turning things up to 11.

    The main reason why I believe this is all scripted is because I have been following the Q movement over the last few years and there are too many coincidences. People in the movement have a theory that the white hats has acquired technology to see into the future and make moves to ensure the black hats lose. It sounds like massive coping as they don’t want to believe this is all scripted and want to believe Trump is the one that will save them. So they don’t have to do anything more than vote. It is these beliefs that keep people behind their keyboards in an echo chamber, instead of doing meaningful work and becoming leaders in their local communities.

    The more I look into Trump the more I realize he is Obama 2.0. A master manipulator of the highest degree. By the time the masses realize Trump isn’t their savior it will be too late. They overlook that Trump was so proud as he bragged about the vaccine. They don’t realize that MAGA has another meaning and when you find out that other meaning it will start coming together. Also look into Atlantic City when Trump’s properties were failing.

    If there is one thing to take from all this it is to try playing devil’s advocate. It will lead down a path of new and alternate information. There will always be lies and deceptions along the way.
    You will lose sleep and it will affect your mental health as previous beliefs are challenged, hurting the ego. What is most important is you will end up with more information. Out of all that information, it will always be the truth that will resonate more towards you. If it isn’t clear you will still get there because moving forward, you will see everything from that point on with more than one lense.

    • “I am beginning to believe that all of this is one big scripted movie”.

      …and the devil’s selling popcorn.

      U buyin’?

  • There are at least 100 unanswered questions which MSM refuse to ask.

    Where are the shells?
    Where are the bullets?
    How many? Whose?
    Where is the impounded White Van Crooks was running to and from many times?
    Where is Home Depot video of Crooks buying ladder few days before? They recording every customer for the past 40 years and feed it to Fed database.
    Where is coroner’s report?
    Where is Yearick?
    Where is Crooks parents’ interrogation transcript?

    and so on.

    Body language suggests to me that we are dealing with another Oswald case, well groomed in advance.

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