McConnell used his right to a daily phone call, while imprisoned in Wisconsin’s Pierce County Jail to record a statement loaded with bombshells, relating to Ukraine, child sex trafficking, the ill-fated Malaysian Airlines flights MH-370 and MH-17 and the re-opening of a 9/11 investigation, with the help of Russia and Vladimir Putin (!)
As previously reported, Field McConnell, career pilot, 9/11 truth activist and co-founder of the Abel Danger alternative news website was arrested on November 4th in Pierce County Wisconsin. He’s being held without bail, awaiting an extradition hearing on December 2nd. He’s expected to be taken to a Broward County, Florida jail until trial.
McConnell was arrested for violating a temporary restraining order, when he broadcasted on the topic of Kim Picazio, an attorney in Broward County, Florida.
The sound quality is poor but I’ve done my best to transcribe what he said and to put it into context.
His first shock claim is that the Malaysian Boeing 777 aircraft involved in Flight MH-370, which disappeared on March 8th, 2014 en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur was the same aircraft (ID# 9M-MRO) that crashed in Ukraine during Flight MH-17 on July 17, 2014, which is what I reported, at the time.
McConnell says, “Broward County, Florida is connected to Ukraine, both by child trafficking, done by practitioners in Broward County Family Court and also, the ownership of the Twin [plane] to Malaysia Airline Systems, Boeing 777, registration identifier 9, Mike, hyphen, Mike, Romeo, Oscar (9M-MRO), which was operated as MH-370 on the 8th of March of 2014 and operated, again as MH-17 on the 17th of July, 2014.”
McConnell states that this plane was owned by GA Telesis, a Broward County corporation. As I reported on May 2, 2014, two months prior to the crash of Flight MH-17 in Ukraine, GA Telesis purchased the aircraft and delivered it to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport on November 4, 2013, where it had remained “in storage”, as recorded on the Planespotters website – presumably, until it was used four months later, in March, for Flight MH-370.
In 2014, I’d reported that GA Telesis was founded and is co-owned by Abdol Moabery, son of wealthy Iranian immigrants. Moabery had previously been an executive at two George Soros-owned companies, Aviation Systems International and C-S Aviation.
At the time, I’d also noted Moabery’s affiliations with seven child- and youth-oriented charities: 1) His House Children’s Home; 2) Food for the Poor; 3) Kids in Distress; 4) Florence Fuller Child Development Center; 5) the ISTAT Foundation; 6) the Factor Foundation; and 7) the March of Dimes.
Do these children’s charities relate to what McConnell is referring to, when he says that the “ownership” of the plane are “practitioners” in child trafficking?
The next series of shock claims McConnell makes are his comments on the eventuality that the 9/11 investigation will be re-opened, in which case, “Russia and Vladimir Putin may be a powerful allies, with Trump’s 4th Marine…”
The reason for Russia’s involvement has to do with three Russian transport planes downed between 2012 and 2016 by the same secret “technology deployed on 9/11, in MH-370, in MH-17 and the 16-plus airliner murders-for-hire, collectively known as ‘The Baker’s Dozen’.”
“On this 14th day of my unlawful confinement, I continue to eat well, sleep well and stay busy much of each day, reading messages of hope and support from persons known to me and persons I have not yet met, who have heard of my opportunity to serve as an ambassador-in-chains.
“As is suggested in Deuteronomy 31-6, my confidence and resolve are being bolstered every day, as my allies grow in number and evidence against Broward County, Florida continues to find its way to the Field Report broadcast network.
“To correct a possible misstatement, the former Malaysian Boeing 777 [plane], owned by George Soros and a corporation named GA Telesis in Broward County was registered as November 105GT, not November 105GA, as I may have erroneously reported off the top of my head.
“In any case, Broward County, Florida is connected to Ukraine, both by child trafficking, done by practitioners in Broward County Family Court and also, the ownership of the Twin [plane] to Malaysia Airline Systems, Boeing 777, registration identifier 9, Mike, hyphen, Mike, Romeo, Oscar (9M-MRO), which was operated as MH-370 on the 8th of March of 2014 and operated, again as MH-17 on the 17th of July, 2014.
“Spirit Airlines is also in Broward County and they are on par with United Airlines, regarding egregious misconduct, in failed efforts to silence whistleblowing pilots who place airline safety above career earnings, unlike four attorneys…those attorneys being Susan L. Kelpas (?), James Johnson, Rob Plunkett and Pete Janhunem and also, four past Airline Pilots Association presidents, those being…Randy Babbitt, Duane Woerth, John Prater and Lee Moak.
“When 9/11 is reopened, Spirit Airlines may cease to exist. The Spirit does not have the economic mass to survive…the upcoming blowback against airlines who have concealed the technology deployed on 9/11, in MH-370, in MH-17 and the 16-plus airliner murders-for-hire, collectively known as “The Baker’s Dozen,” because Russia lost three transport-category aircraft in the Baker’s Dozen, those aircraft being a Sukhoi Superjet on the 9th of May of 2012, a Metrojet A321 over Sinai desert in Egypt on Halloween and I believe the year was 2015 and a TU-154M on Christmas Morning…I believe it’s Christmas Morning of 2016 but the aircraft at the TU-154M was leaving Sochi in the Russian Federation, heading to Syria.
“It is my opinion that Russia and Vladimir Putin may be powerful allies, with Trump’s 4th Marine when/if 9/11 is reopened. George HW Bush and John McCain have already been held accountable for their many treasons, including 9/11.
“Dozens of co-conspirators will be facing just as soon, as many in California and a number in Broward County, Florida, several of whom think they have stopped the leaking of evidence linking Broward County to child trafficking with the Ukraine.
“That leak has not been stopped, nor will it be.
“Jeremiah 5:26-31 gives God’s view of the Broward County Family Court and from [unintelligible] that person’s doing evil things therein.
“Thus ends today’s message. Field McConnell.”
Who are the people, the hidden hand or Evilites as I prefer to call them? Why is America dying – rotting from the inside out? The simple answer is this New World Order. It is the The Rothschilds, and the coterie of other bloodline families that are allied with them – the Sassoons, Goldsmiths, Solomons, Morgenthaus, Baruchs, Warburgs, Kuhns, Kahns, Schiffs, Cohens, Lehmans and Sieffs. This is the .01% who control 2/3rds of the global Gross Domestic Product. These sociopathic families (Black Nobility) plans include genociding 90% of the planet’s population. Don’t doubt that they have the technological means to accomplish this feat – they believe they do and they will push their bitter agenda to the bitter end; ecocide be damned!
I’ve followed Abel Danger for years. Field McConnell’s integrity and morality is beyond reproach. A fearless warrior for God, I fear that Field will be facing a kangaroo court simply for standing up to these satanical Evilites.
This may signal the initial stages of Patriot roundups. This will drag out in the Judicial system to extract maximum extra-constitutional penalties. It doesn’t look good for Field. NWO here we come 1 & all.