Catherine Austin Fitts: We were talking about Yellen. Yellen is setting aside a fund for Bird Flu Pandemic Preparedness. And we showed a video of her talking and John said, “You know, she’s not a healthcare expert. Why is Yellen talking about Bird Flu?”

I said, “Because Bird Flu has nothing to do with health. It’s a tool of the Central Bankers.”

So, of course, Yellen can talk about it, because she is an “expert”. She’s a Central Banker! She’s an expert at Central Banking tools…When you’re printing monetary inflation, you need a way to create deflation on-demand. So, as a Central Bank tool, she’s perfectly expert to deal with this! (Laughs)

Anyway, so Vaccine Passports went over like a lead balloon in Europe, in COVID-19. So they’re coming back around, again and let’s see how they do! I think many more people are hip to the trick.

Carolyn Betts: Right. Right. Let’s hope.

Catherine Austin Fitts: Let’s hope.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Hi ,
    Well here’s my thoughts no special order ,
    As I look back on life I remember a time very briefly that I wondered if a Pandemic would ever happen in my life time ,
    And seeing this in this article if how people would line up to nask up , line up to vaccine up,
    Basically it just dawned on me Those who are Brainwashed got sucked into taking a vaccine for a variety of reasons and also cause of All the other vaccines that are always pushed into the public,
    Flu Vaccines , HPV Vaccines , measles vaccine , Hepatitis B Vaccines and so on ,
    People can’t comprehend That ALL Vaccines are bad.

    The above article mentions the curiosity and reasoning skills / ability are greatly diminished from COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines ,
    I have posted this link before only post it again for others who might like to read and be informed.
    Forbidden knowledge also did an article on it date wise I don’t know…
    And I can actually notice those people in conversations who have zero reasoning skills ,
    Yesterday I busted an old folks nursing home and some staff and some clients (the people luvi6 there) were wearing masks .
    7 asked 1 guy who was wearing a mask why he was ,
    He answer was : I’m Dr Jamaica , ,,
    So I knew instantly he was a nut case , who knows maybe he was a young doctor in his 30s or 49s ,
    To me just another person who does as their and drank the Kool-Aid ,
    I was 7th grade when the Devastated news Jonestown happened , ,

    Operation Crimson Mist Happened in Rhawanda in 1994 and again in Iraq in 2003 ya might be able to search for Operation Crimson Mist on the internet but not sure if it’s scrubbed off or not ,
    I just found out recently Google owns Duck duck go search engine.

    Yeah the Go alongs , don’t make waves , will be lining up for the microchip 1 day .

    Central bankers owning / running bird Flu doesn’t surprise me .

  • I said, “Because Bird Flu has nothing to do with health. It’s a tool of the Central Bankers.”
    Beware BTW as there are still many acting as truthers and misleading people into “virus / bioweapon” narratives, in which some of them are obvious actors while others being too stubborn leading themselves into circular reasoning due to their strong “belief”
    BUT Belief ≠ Science

  • I don’t think so.

    People will obediently line up for jabs, mask up and social distance all over again.

    Anytime the news report of anything going around I see the brainwashed living in fear put on their graphene oxide tainted masks again, even alone in cars.

    Majority of people are soft and don’t want any form of conflict.

    I have lost so much faith in humanity during the pandemic.

    • Agree on all points! Some people are already wearing masks here. Some never stopped! Great Awakening? A few woke up but not nearly enough.

      • “Some”? Luckly you.
        I’ve been seeing like 70 ~ 80 % of morons still wearing slave diaper here since 2020 (amazingly, some of them are even double-slave-diapered).
        Ah, not even worth being bothered in my thought / feelings by those, let’s focus on ourselves instead.

    • There is a new segment of the population who took the vaccine but didn’t get the boosters. I think this segment is most likely to not get any vaccine in the next pandemic.

      I do agree majority of people don’t want to be a rebel and will fall for it again hook, line and sinker. These people won’t change as long as MSM continues to push propaganda.

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