@insiderpaper on Telegram posted this video, claiming that this video is new. However, it does not appear anywhere on InsiderPaper.com or on Iran’s state media, PressTV, as claimed in the post.

Last August, Iran showed-off an underground military base stockpiled with huge missiles for the first time. However, the footage looked more like a videogame than reality. This “new” video looks more realistic, so it may be incorporating more sophisticated AI, which as we’ve recently seen, is getting better and better.

Given the fact that this story appears nowhere on official Iranian media or even on Insider Paper’s own website – and only on their Telegram channel – indicates to me that this video may be a PSYOP, to instill fear about what looks to be a massive Iranian nuclear arsenal and claims of an impending attack on “The main base of the F-35 fighters of the Regime” and “ready to explode on the Enemy’s [the US? Israel?] head.

Last October, the IRGC “completely destroyed” Israel’s main F-35 base, so there’s that.

Who would produce and promote such a video? One possibility, of course, is the State of Israel, which has enormous AI capabilities. Another possibiity is the US Government. In any case, the video does not feature the official branding that we saw in last August’s video.

I ran this video through TurboScribe, which auto-transcribes videos from other languages into English. The text below does not appear to contain 4 minutes’ worth of transcript and I’ve noticed that TurboScribe censors content they deem to be sensitive.

In this case, Turboscribe got the IRGC‘s Commanders’ names right, who are seen walking together over the Israeli and US flags painted on the floor of the underground base. The italicized words indicate words I could not corroborate and which may be incidences of TurboScribe’s subtle form of censorship or they could simply be auto-translate fails. Since I don’t speak Farsi, it’s hard for me to tell.

This nonstop bombardment of PSYOPs may become the new normal and it’s even possible that they’re being deployed to support the position of the Global Left, that censorship is good for democracy.

The moral of this story is to stay frosty, out there with the PSYOPs and to not believe anything, unless you can corroborate it from at least one – but ideally, from at least two – other sources. I could not corroborate this Telegram post anywhere else, so it appears to be a PSYOP.


Narrator: Today, Commander Hossein Salami, under the command of the entire IRGC, is going to launch a missile attack from one of the floors of the ground base of the Air Force. Here, Commander Hajizadeh, Commander of the Air Force, accompanies him. He is going to explain the various parts of this base.

The base is like a volcano. A volcano, of course, has fallen in the heart of the mountain. But, according to the commander of the Air Force, for a long time, this volcano has been ready to explode on the Enemy’s [the US? Israel?] head.

In the next Sader-e-Doh operation, the missiles of this base were able to destroy the air base of the main base of the F-35 fighters of the [Israeli?] Regime.

The regime of Sahministi [?] has not yet been able to secure the air base of the regime. The regime of Sahministi has not yet been able to secure the air base of the regime.

The commander of the entire IRGC says:

Commander Hossein Salami: In the name of Allah, we have come to this base for Operation Sader-e-Doh 1 and 2, and this is the final operational situation of some missiles in this base.

Narrator: According to the images, the leading assets of this tactical base, the Sukht-e-Mayeh [?], Emad, Ghader, Qiam missiles will be kept here.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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