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Alien Agendas: Linda Moulton Howe

Linda Moulton Howe has been in the trenches, studying the alien presence for the past 40 years. She’s forgotten more about the topic than most of us will ever know. Howe is a serious investigator and this is her lifework and it is fascinating.

She did a livestream last week and was asked some interesting questions, about the various alien groups on Earth, their agendas, hybrids, cloning, DNA, bases on the Moon, Mars, throughout the Galaxy, the various dimensions, etc. about which she is uniquely equipped to offer her best guesses.

I’ve set the inpoint of this livestream 19 minutes in, when she answers a question about the alien presence, based on a contact she had who worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency for 23 years and who described his work as that of an analyst of the geopolitical territorial conflict of three extraterrestrial biological civilizations on our planet, throughout this solar system and the Milky Way galaxy, meaning it isn’t just Earth.

“He said that the Middle East or Mesopotamia or pre-Mesopotamia [modern-day Iraq] has been a war zone for millions and millions of years…going back at least 270 million years…”

Two groups, in particular were in conflict with each other but not with bombs or guns.

He told her, “Those advanced nonhumans they don’t war the way we think of war. They’re not even necessarily trying to kill each other. He said they have two dominant ways in which they war. One is by using time. They will move perhaps a perceived enemy into another timeline or they will make a hologram and they will use three-dimensional holograms in ways that would be baffling to us, that will change terrains or create all kinds of things that are not there [and] mental games…the third was being able to neutralize gravity…

“Once you can battle quote-unquote or have conflict in those three modes, then it’s a whole other type of existence. It’s a whole other type of conflict and then you say, ‘Well, what is it that they want, if they can do all that and if they are almost equally matched? What is it that they want?’

“And if I boil down the seven hours of discussion back in December 1999, it would come to: Earth is a very good laboratory and Earth has been being used for millions of years by a variety of types, some short, some longer-term. He said the Ebens had the 80 million-year-long experiment with the dinosaurs…they ended it and they were not sure if they produced the six mile asteroid to do the impact to take out their…experiment or if it just happened to be that this was an accident in the Solar System, that it was coming toward Earth and they didn’t do anything to stop it.

“He said, ‘We knew that the Talls and the Ebens can move anything they want.’ These are words that still today echo in my mind. They could move anything they want into another timeline. I remember even the phrase, ‘We have wars of death and bullets and starvation and prisoners and all of the horrors. They just move whatever they have managed to encapsulate – or whatever the word would be – they just move them into another timeline.”

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