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A Karen Shows Her Classism

On Wednesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recognized Massachusetts’ status as a Sanctuary State when he gave 50 illegal immigrants a free ride via private jet to Martha’s Vineyard, in what was likely the most pleasant leg of their arduous journey from Venezuela.

Despite all the woke virtue-signalling to the contrary, the racist white Limousine Liberals on Martha’s Vineyard were not happy about their new poor, brown neighbors, exclaiming that DeSantis had caused a “humanitarian crisis” in the billionaire enclave.

The winter population of Martha’s Vineyard is close to 17,000. Every summer, the island happily hosts tens of thousands of well-heeled tourists, with the population swelling to as many as 200,000 – but we’re expected to believe that 50 extra people during the off-season is a “humanitarian crisis”?

I think Styxhexenhammer666 nails it, here when he says:

“Martha’s Vineyard voted 85% for Joe Biden. You voted for someone who explicitly stated, ‘Come, all ye unfaithful, we want the huddled masses, the border wall is racist, we want everyone in the country.’

“And now you’re concerned about them being in your community. You don’t get concerned if there are a million people like that in Texas or half a million in Arizona. You don’t care if hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans and Cubans languish in Florida. You want those people to take care of them – meaning, the taxpayer money from those citizens in those states…

“What they’re worried about is that they’re going to build a refugee center and other amenities somewhere in Martha’s Vineyard and it will…lower the price of their property…

“I think they should be made to have them on tents in their front lawn. You should have to see the misery that open borders causes every single day. Maybe you’ll vote differently. “

What these Champagne Socialists in Martha’s Vineyard also fail to grasp is that the open border policies they unthinkingly espouse – and that 85% of them voted for in 2020 – are part of a Globalist strategy to collapse the US and all sovereign governments worldwide, so the UN can then impose their own made-up regional governments, as Lara Logan explained so well to Steve Bannon on Thursday and about which the late, great Rosa Koire tirelessly educated the public.

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