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A Chilling Development in Brazil

Documents leaked from a Department of Homeland Security whistleblower show that the agency’s ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board would have been part of an effort to work with private social media platforms to police the content of Americans, as revealed last Wednesday by senators Chuck Grassley and Josh Hawley.

The documents also suggested the board would play the role of policy cop at Homeland Security, with input on disinformation budgets and a role in how the department engages with “private sector stakeholders.”

Whenever you see the word “Stakeholders”, it’s coming straight out of the World Economic Forum and it is the new word for “Fascism”. It basically means government by corporate private contractors.

The documents they released included a 2021 memo for Mr Mayorkas suggesting the creation of the disinformation board, a January 2022 memo with a charter establishing the board, and a schedule from last April describing one of the board leader’s meetings with Twitter executives.

Paul Joseph Watson reports that the logical conclusion – the goal – of of this Globalist ‘disinformation governance’ was just revealed in Brazil, when Edson Fachin, the head of the superior electoral tribunal there said he will nullify election winners, including the president, if they are deemed to have shared ‘disinformation’ during the campaign.


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