Alexandra Bruce
August 15, 2015
There are many differnt points of view in the world.
This documentary, financed by a propaganda arm of the Islamic Republic of Iran, PressTV and produced by French filmmakers offers Westerners a radically different intrepretation of the US’ presence in the Middle East than is ever officially told in the mainstream.
First of all, we are told that Americans in general have very little capacity to understand the ancient cultures of China, Iran and even that of Russia, assuming that all humans really just want to live the American Dream. The US has discovered the hard way, over the past 14 years that this is not the case.
We are informed by these largely European interviewees that the US presence in the Middle East is much less about controlling the countries of that region than it is about encircling what the US imagines are its biggest rivals in world hegemony: China and Russia – by controlling the energy resources on which they rely.
The scholars interviewed explain that the US-proposed project of “The Greater Middle East,” which has been unfolding before our eyes for the past decade and a half, starting with the US occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq and its presence in the Middle East has never been about “fighting terrorism” or about establishing “Democracy” but about controlling the the region’s hydrocarbon fuel reserves and the access of its rivals to same and exerting a measure of control over them by this means.
In recent decades, Russia and China have become more and more powerful in the international arena politically, economically and militarily. Now they veto the US just for the sake of showing that the US is no longer THE superpower.
And the US knows well that the China and Russia of today are less easy to control than they may have been, three decades ago.
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