Alexandra Bruce
May 19, 2014
Yesterday, I incorrectly stated my misguided assumption that Dorothy Bush, sister of Bush (43) is married to one of the evil Koch Brothers, either David or Charles aka “The Poster Boys of the 1%.” It seemed like the perfect dynastic Match Made in Hell.
However, neither of the evil multi-billionaire Koch Brothers, who were were the subjects of the 2012 Robert Greenwald film, ‘Koch Brothers Exposed,’ about their uniquely negative impact on a variety of aspects of American life are married to Dorothy Bush.
Happily for her, she has better taste than that. The man whom she married at Camp David was one Robert P. “Bobby” Koch, President and CEO of the Wine Institute, who acts as its chief lobbyist in Washington D.C. and in Sacramento, California, promoting the American wine industry, the health of the benefits of wine (in moderation) and the promotion of vineyard tourism in the several designated wine-growing regions of the US.
Having worked at a vineyard and also having worked a 5-year stint, trading fine/rare, investment-grade wine, selling an average of $500k in the sale of “the stuff” per month, resulting in this book:
it is with much irony that I can say that I think that Doro’s husband is a guy with whom I could probably be friends, rather than to trash – something I am proudly over-eager to do, to certain other members of her clan, for their multigenerational roles, in bringing us the pathetic, criminal and disastrous Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the World Financial Meltdown, etc.
(a VERY large list of “etc.”s which are off-topic, right now).
I apologize for not verifying that previous statement before publishing. There’s no guilt-by-association, with Dorothy Bush – and I stand corrected!
…it is with much irony that I can say that I think that “Doro”‘s husband is a guy with whom I could actually be friends.
As to this morning’s clip…I think the footage speaks for itself.
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