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Pyramids in China

This homemade clip does a great job of revealing the facts of the little-known
pyramids of China

In 1947, a WWII pilot photographed a large pyramid in central China, which ignited the imaginations of many around the world. Dubbed “The White Pyramid,” it’s now identified as the Maoling Mausoleum of the Emperor Han Wudi, who reigned during the 1st century BCE.

Intrepid tourists and Google Earth have since verified a suite of pyramids nearby to the White Pyramid in the Xi’an region of China, that are arranged in a pattern that resembles the Orion’s Belt portion of the Orion constellation, in shocking similarity to the arrangement of the Pyramids at Giza, Egypt!

In this excerpt from my book, “2012: Science or Superstition,” I discuss the significance that has been ascribed to this particular formation of pyramids by authors Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval:

“Using computer simulations of the ancient skies, Hancock and Bauval built on the latter�s earlier work in his bestselling book ‘The Orion Mystery.’ The ‘Orion Correlation Theory,’ as it became known, proposes that the pyramids were built to represent the arrangement of the three stars of Orion�s Belt during the Vernal Equinox in the skies of the era around 10,500 B.C. They proposed that this specific era represented Zep Tepi, or the ‘First Time,’ which is constantly referenced in Egyptian hieroglyphics.”

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