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Orion Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV)

Alexandra Bruce
November 16, 2013

NASA is now launching the next generation of space exploration craft, which will take humans beyond Low Earth Orbit for the first time in 40 years, to begin a new era of space exploration, to local asteroids, for potential mining expeditions or the moons of Mars – or to the deepest reaches of our Solar System.

For those original Moon Landing doubters, who claimed that humans could never survive passing through the intense radiation of the Van Allen Belts, it appears that this next generation of Orion Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) are hardened enough against radiation to render those claims moot. There are also many technological improvements for human safety during the dangerous lift-off phase and improved communications for distances spanning the length of the Solar System.

The Space Shuttle has been now been retired for over a year. There were many things that it could do, such as deliver parts for the construction of the International Space Station and to help launch space telescopes. However, its wings and tail relegated it to the realm of Low Earth Orbit, as the speeds of re-entry into the atmosphere from Deep Space, would fry them off, making the craft incapable of landing like an airplane.

The MPCV will be able to accomplish these things and more, while built more like the Apollo craft and similarly using the ocean splash-down technique with parachutes to return to Earth.

Many subscribers bristle at what they see as a waste of money with a fake space program, of which there is a seriously advanced counterpart but I think they’re barking up the wrong tree. We waste more money manufacturing Depleted Uranium armaments, which will despoil the areas where these are used for millennia. I say, goo bark up that tree, instead.

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