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NASA: Massive Solar Eruption Close-Up

Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV
July 3, 2011

Press the “play” button in the middle of the video screen to reveal the different playing options.

Select the 720p HD option in the middle of the bottom bar of the video screen to play this clip in High Definition video. You can double-click on the screen to make it full-frame or else click the bottom right button with the arrows expanding in all directions to do so. To go back to normal, hit the “Escape” key on the upper left hand corner of your keyboard.

This footage is compressed from images with 10 times the resolution (definition). Very cool stuff! I’ve chosen to reveal the Closed Captioning (which you can turn off by clicking on the “CC” icon, also toward the center of the bottom bar of the video screen).

I don’t agree with all the comments, such as that storms on the other side of the Sun are “unrelated” to the main storm being photographed. They’re all happening on the same Sun! How can they be “unrelated”?

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