Alexandra Bruce
July 5, 2015
Dollar Vigilante, Jeff Berwick joins Chuck Horton of Double Cross Radio, who is demoralized at how the Supreme Court Upheld Obamacare and how the law was re-written to destroy any shred of States’ Rights.
Horton Reckons that Congress has been completely de-fanged and that the Executive Branch now has full-blown dicatorial powers.
Jeff Berwick talks about how the South Carolina shooting was an obvious false flag event, meant to distract from the latest passing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – which allows Obama to kill or detain US Citizens and anybody in the world, indefinitely with no explanation, let alone a court order. Also, more ground towards the passage of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which will directly replace local governments with the whims of large corporations and have very negative implications for Internet freedom, as well.
These major legal activities went unnoticed and unreported, with all the noize generated around the Confederate Flag.
Jeff Berwick’s predictions about the imminent future of the US is very dire. He sees major economic catastrophe, starting this coming September and he advises Americans to leave the US by the end of the year – or to at least start investigating other places to live.
Their talk also includes some positive developments and his tragico-comical account of crashing the Bilderberg Meeting recently in Austria with Alternative Media journalists, Dan Dicks of Press for Truth and Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange.
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