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A Great Documentary About the Scientists Studying these Changes With the Help of Inuit Guides

This is a fascinating documentary about major changes happening in “Santa’s Country,” around the North Pole, including interviews with local Inuits, who offer their observations and wisdom, from surviving for millennia in this unforgiving part of the world.

A shift of power is taking place at the top of the world. The Arctic is undergoing a dramatic change, and with this change one iconic Arctic hunter may soon have to give way to another, as solid ice turns to open sea.

The polar bear, once king of the North, needs ice to stalk its prey. Killer whales, or orca, on the other hand, are unable to hunt in an ocean locked in ice. As the ice increasingly disappears, the tables have turned. Polar bears are struggling to survive while the now open ocean provides bountiful new hunting grounds for the whales, who were once rarely seen in these parts and are now beginning to dominate the food chain.

This is a great documentary about the scientists studying these changes with the help of Inuit guides – and about the various species affected, particularly the mysterious narwhal.

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