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How to Nullify the NSA (and Every Other Tyrannical Government Agency)

Alexandra Bruce
February 1, 2014

If my channel is starting to look more like the Corbett Report than my characteristic random discoveries on YouTube, all I can say is that James Corbett is producing some of the best dissident media on Earth and I heartily urge my viewers to support his efforts, since he does all of what he does with contributor donations.

This report reminds us that, as citizens, we can put our feet down through several legal means, specifically via Nullification.

I guess that it sometimes takes a Canadian to teach Americans about our own rich history, in the use of this law, which was first enacted by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, as a last resort, should all three branches of the Federal Government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) become irredeemably corrupt – and the last defense would be to rally the States, to stand their ground for freedom and Rule of Law.

This clip includes excellent interviews with Tom Woods (, author of the book, ‘Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century,’ and with Michael Maharrey, Member of, which is a part of a coalition of activist websites helping to organize, which urges the Citizens of Utah to urge the subdivision of Bluffdale, Utah to deny water for the massive NSA data center, currently under construction (which also supplies water to the capital of that already-parched State, Salt Lake City). The incomplete data center would require millions of gallons of water per day, to keep its computers cool – water, which the State of Utah arguably does not have to spare.

Maharrey advises us as to the steps we can take to get involved, to stop NSA’s illegal unconstitutional activity:

1. Go to the website,, and to try to get the State of your Residence (where you vote) to take on the proposed legislation, which is downloadable from the site.

2. Even easier, simply post the link on any and all of your social media accounts, which will drive your friends to look into the work that this group is doing.

3. Finally, if you are part of a grassroots political organization, to let your colleagues know about the work of and to consider becoming a local partner in this movement.

People from countries outside the US are very much encouraged to participate by going to, as well, as the NSA is illegally spying there, too.

Moreover, incrementally-increasing, tyrannical legislation that is being passed, on a weekly basis is hardly relegated to the the United States but is going on in countries, world-wide.


James Corbett’s Notes:

“Hardly a week goes by that we aren’t faced with some new outrageous piece of legislation from the increasingly tyrannical government. But once these bills have been passed, what can we actually do about them? What if stopping this legislation was as simple as saying ‘no’? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the nullification solution, a long-repressed piece of political history that offers us a way out.”


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