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Giants The Mystery and the Myth

There are legends from different cultures all over the world, which universally tell of giants, who roamed the Earth, before a global flood wiped them out.

In America, there are photographs of the mummified remains of 9-foot tall giants, that were inadvertently unearthed all over the country, from Indiana to California.

Apart from their size, these skeletons appeared to be human in every way, however, there were some that were anomalous; possessing 6 fingers and six toes, having double rows of teeth and in some rare cases, with horns sprouting from their skulls.

In 1912, ranchers started coming to a particular cave in Nevada, to making extra cash by procuring bat guano to sell as fertilizer.

There, one group unexpectedly found some 7-foot tall mummies (wrapped-up, similarly to the mummies of Ancient Egypt), with shoulder-length red hair.

It turns out that these red-headed giants were well-known to the local Paiute indians, who had been at war with them for centuries.

In 1883, Paiute Indian princess, Sarah Winnemucca, wrote the book, ‘Life Among the Paiutes,’ where she referred to of these giant, red-haired people – and of how her tribe had finally rid themselves of these cannibalistic giants by stoking and then setting fire to the cave in which they lived – the same cave which was, decades later mined for bat guano by the white ranchers.

Author/Publisher, David Hatcher Childress says that 60 giant skeletons were removed from this cave but that their whereabouts remain completely unknown. He asks, “Is there something like an archeological cover-up that has occurred here? Something that concerns giants?”

Well-known author, Jim Marrs did some more digging and discovered that such remains, including human skeletons up to 12 feet tall have been found virtually everywhere around the globe. There is no particular place, from where it could be said that these mysterious giants originate – on this planet…

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