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First Nation Leaders in America Full Documentary

This documentary etches vivid portraits of four extraordinary Native American leaders who put superhuman efforts into preserving their way of life, against odds which were, sadly for them, impossible to overcome.

The loss of their cultures was a great loss for human beings, overall.

Among the leaders profiled in this full length film are Crazy Horse, Chief Joseph, Geronimo, and Quanah Parker.

I believe their stories hold valuable lessons to all peoples, the world over.

Their stories most certainly apply to us, Americans today, who have had our way of life sneakily snatched out from under our noses, although the full-blown sequelae of this ongoing event have hardly even begun to kick in.

Contemporary Americans will, like the Americans who preceded us, have to face the vanishing of our world – and in many respects, *we already have*, whether we have faced up to this, yet – or not.

Although we are out-gunned technologically, not only by exotic weapons, which would curl our toenails, if we even just knew one 10th of that of which they are capable – but also by the more prosaic and utterly lethal, genocidal food, medical,”news”/ entertainment establishments and other institutions, which form a substantial tsunami or pyroclastic flow (insert your favorite apocalyptic metaphor here); a barrage of
visible – yet invisible weapons, in and of themselves.

Yet, there are some VITAL and important distinctions, this go-round, which could be game-changing and transformational.

1) First, as a populace, we are not technically (i.e., on a per-unit basis, “out-gunned” – and by that, I mean “plain old guns”).

2) The MUCH more important distinction, this time is that the law enforcement entities, who may find themselves in situations of enforcing commands, which could easily be characterized as *coming from an enemy who is DOMESTIC*, an enemy from whom ALL Peace Officers have legally sworn to defend their local populaces against; Peace Officers will be forced to become very clear about which side of the law on which they choose to stand.

I urge all Peace Officers and their support staffs who are reading this to contemplate these probabilities now, while things are still relatively calm within our shores, rather than to get caught up in the coming confusion, without having fully thought this through for themselves.

Where do you stand? 

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