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BBC Correspondent Says MOSSAD Did 9/11 and Iran Doesn’t Want Nukes
Alexandra Bruce
February 8, 2014

This footage freaks me out, because I used to regularly eat slices of Pizza in that shop on Cortlandt St., near Church Street and the N,R,Q Subway Stop on the corner.

Former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent, Alan Hart says on air that Israeli Mossad did 9/11 and much more, in his revealing interview with Kevin Barrett.

Alan explains that what initially began as an all-Muslim operation, which, like all local groups and governments in the countries surrounding Israel, it was infiltrated by the israeli version of the CIA, the MOSSAD. Then then they let the “bad guys” at the CIA know about it and the US Zionists “..and the Neo-Cons said, hey, let’s use it.”

He goes onto explain why he believes the Towers were brought down by controlled demolition and not by the planes, according to the official 9/11 fantasy.

…and there’s more but you’ve got to watch it!

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