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Are Americans Harvesting Ukrainians for Flesh?

Tyler Bass
Forbidden Knowledge TV
March 28, 2015

Each year in the United States there are over 2 million tissue and organ transplants. But nobody knows where all of the body parts – bones, muscles, tendon and skin – come from and if the medical products they end up as are obtained legally. Pathologists are accused of extracting body parts from Ukrainians under “scandalous” circumstances – body parts that are hot sellers in the United States.

Though organ harvesting companies are nonprofits doing work vital to saving lives, they are also publicly traded companies pursuing the bottom line. As a result, tissue harvesters receive bonuses for extracting the maximum amount of skin from a given donor. What’s left over after tissue harvests disturbs family members of donors.

“Human beings don’t do such things, taking advantage of our tragedy,” said one Mrs. Malish, a Ukrainian woman who only learned of tissue extracted from her son Sergei after seeing deep cuts on his wrists at his funeral.

Her son hung himself.

Mr. Malish said a visit to court confirmed that harvesters had sold off Sergei’s body parts. “They make money with our misfortune.”

The meat consumers buy from a grocer is subject to quality and sourcing controls that donor tissue is not. Due to that lack of oversight, William Hale, a recipient of neck bone, underwent a scare that he might have contracted Hepatitis C from a donor. In the event that organ banks have to recall tainted tissue, the banks are not keeping track of how many patients received tissue, and where in bodies tissues are implanted.

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