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by Mario Nawfal

Payton McNabb, who was paralyzed after being struck by a transgender volleyball opponent, condemned the Olympics for allowing trans boxers to fight women.

At 17, Payton was hit in the face by a spiked ball, causing brain damage and paralysis on her right side.


“It’s dangerous to have the 2 sexes competing together.

I am disgusted by this, personally. This is morally wrong and evil.

It used to be illegal for men to beat up women, and now people are putting it on TV and watching it.”

Sources: Daily Mail

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • This only ends when women demand it. A new truly feminist movement is needed. No more women standing around smiling and clapping while some man wins the beauty contest. No more participation in any sports that allow this shit. No more waiting for legislation. Get off your ass, ladies. No more complacency.

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