The arrest of Telegram Founder-CEO, Pavel Durov by the deranged EU-French government on Saturday is ringing a lot of alarm bells for anyone who cares about the internet and Freedom of Speech – and really, for anyone with a pulse, who doesn’t want our civilization to descend into total barbarism.

The Russian government is reportedly working to free Telegram Founder, Pavel Durov from custody in France, with the Russian embassy in Paris accusing French authorities of “refusing to cooperate” and of “blocking” Russian embassy officials in Paris from visiting with him.

Tore Maras posted this impromptu video late on Saturday night from the street in DC, responding to and adding to the comments of former State Department official, Mike Benz in the video that I posted yesterday, about what can be done to defend Durov and our First Amendment Rights, where Benz advised:

“The House Foreign Affairs Committee could subpoena or could demand, as part of its Oversight, all communications between the US Embassy in Paris – that is, the State Department’s branch in France – for their communications with prosecutors or government officials about Pavel’s arrest, prior to the arrest.

“Because I believe the State Department is, at the very least – if not outright pushing – [is] participating in this political prosecution.”

Tore reminds us that any and all US Citizens can file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for all of the communications between the following US Government agencies and the French government and law enforcement: 1). US State Department; 2). French Embassy in Washington, DC and Consulate New York; 3). Department of Homeland Security (DHS); 4). Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); 5). Nina Jankowicz – the former head the short-lived DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board. Particularly, any communications she may have had with Alexandra Chalupa.

We should also add to this list, the Foreign Malign Influence Center, at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), to where the Disinformation Governance Board has reportedly been re-located.

Tore discloses here that all of these unprecedented, off-the-charts US Government censorship “Boards” and “Misinfo” agencies have their origins in the Obama administration’s war on Ukraine, involving the former Inspector General of the NSA, Robert Storch (currently, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense), as well as Storch’s wife, Sara Lord, who she says was working with journalists and fighting “disinformation” in Ukraine, back in 2013.

Tore stresses:

Nina Jankowicz is at the center of this. So, I urge every single one of you to ask for any communications pertaining to Telegram with Nina Jankowicz. You know, the singing c@nt that started the disinformation sh!t in Ukraine and then wanted to apply it, and sat at my f@cking desk in London. Yeah, that bitch.

You send FOIA requests and ask any communication she’s had with anyone within the European Union or anything pertaining to Telegram, I f@cking guarantee you, you’ll be flooded with a sh!t-ton of stuff. In fact, they’re probably just gonna put it on the Reading Room, because that’s how much you’re gonna see.

I had forgotten all about Jankowicz – and I have to thank Tore so much, for the trip down Memory Lane, that has had me laughing my ass off, for the past hour!

Amid the non-stop firehose of assaults and indignities blasted at the American People by the Biden Regime, the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, formed in 2022 was such a Bad Look for the DNC/CCP that it was dissolved in just 4 months.

The wildly out-of-touch, completely lacking in all self-awareness, elitist pile of garbage seen in this video was appointed to head-up this new agency by the very obviously treasonous DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

This Participation Trophy Winner thought she had a bright career ahead of her, violating your First Amendment rights, as the head of a full-fledged US Federal Government agency – but she was wrong – and she felt so terribly wronged by having this dream snatched away from her, that she begged you for money to sue Fox News for their honest reporting on her – ahem, profoundly Narcissistic? Neurodivergent? WTF is going on? – behavior.

Go here, to read more about the revolting grift of this person. Thank God, her case was tossed-out last month!

In any case, Tore personally tangled with Jankowicz in Ukraine, while they were both – on separate projects – helping the Obama administration to overthrow Viktor Yanukovych, in order to replace him with their puppet, Petro Poroshenko – you know, the guy that OBrandon bribed for $1 billion, for him to fire Viktor Shokin, the good prosecutor, who was investigating his crackhead son and Burisma? And it was all caught on tape?

You probably didn’t remember that this was all caught on tape, right? Because, we have such an awesome Fourth Estate!

This is why Tore knows so much about the election machines that are being used to overthrow governments all over the world, because she was personally involved in doing this, while working at a company contracted by the CIA.

The jist of Tore’s message in this video is that US Citizens still have God-given rights, that are still protected under US Law. Exercise them, or lose them.

This video contains a lot of disruptions, which I will redact from this transcription, in order to more clearly transmit Tore’s message and for a better reading experience but her video is posted as-is.


Tore Maras: I saw the news about the Telegram Founder getting arrested in France. Now this is very interesting.

I saw the post of Mike Benz asking, telling people that, “Hey, you know, you should be finding all the communications at the State Department in France…

Now, Mike Benz is partially correct. There are definitely communications between the State Department and…the American Embassy in France, and another thing is, the French Embassy within the United States.

FOIA Requests should be going out to every single…State Department agency, but also we need to hit DHS, their misinformation agency. Now, here’s a little tidbit:

What people don’t know is that this Misinformation Group was actually created in Ukraine, when we were going after them. This is actually what the job of IG [Inspector General] of the NSA, former IG of the NSA, Storch, Robert Storch’s wife, actually set up in Ukraine. She was working with journalists and fighting “disinformation”.

In fact, the Chalupa sisters were heading that, with Jankowicz back in 2013. I know, because I was working on it too, but not on their project, but actually garnering the information they have and how we can stymie communications, you know, for whatever we were planning. So, this has been going on for a very long time, this “disinformation” campaign…

So, here’s the thing. There’s multiple agencies that are most likely involved in this.

Now, for sure, it’s the State Department. So, Hat-Tip to Mike Benz for calling that out. Obviously, the group that he was in [the Twitter/X space, from which Benz was booted?], many of them in there, are really scared of what’s happening, right now – and I should say they should be. They should be!

But he was right. State Department definitely has communications with the French Embassy here, in the United States. I would hit New York and Washington DC. Also, the US Embassy in France and also, their French counterparts.

But considering that, DHS is definitely involved, because they’re working on the “misinformation” and also, we have to look at the DOJ and the FBI, because in order for France to get in on it, they have to have some form of “crimes”.

Now, I don’t know how French Telegram is, but we all know that this is not happenstance and his [Durov’s] arrest is very interesting timing, considering the dynamics that are happening, right now with the BRICS organization and the fact that [Durov is] not silencing speech.

So, I urge every single American to use their pen. It doesn’t take you more than a minute, right? Well, no, it takes more than a minute, because they make us jump through hoops, now. But you can file a FOIA request and demand that information. Pretty simple.

And I hear a lot of people that say, “Well, I don’t want to be on ‘The List’.” There is no f@cking list. That’s all made-up. I’m on all the lists and I’m fine. In fact, I’m super-fine. Well, per se (laughs).

They do blacklist people, but you’re not doing anything but exercising your rights. So, make sure you file those requests and get that information, because no one else is gonna do it for you!

I mean, obviously, we’ve got [Tom] Fitton, who drops, you know, lawsuits and that guy pumps iron, every time he drops a suit. We have America First Legal, but they, you know, it’s not of an interest to them, because they’re not hired by him. They fight for America First, but We, as the People should be fighting for our voice – and that’s where we should hit.

So, I urge all of you to file FOIA requests: State Department, all communications with the French Embassy in the United States, the US Embassy in France, and their French counterparts. That’s key. I would also say, if there are any communications with Jankowicz and Chalupa – (camera drops)…

So as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted – so rudely interrupted – Nina Jankowicz is at the center of this. So, I urge every single one of you to ask for any communications pertaining to Telegram with Nina Jankowicz. You know, the singing c@nt that started the “disinformation” shit in Ukraine and then wanted to apply it and sat at my f@cking desk in London. Yeah, that bitch.

You send FOIA requests and ask any communication she’s had with anyone within the European Union or anything pertaining to Telegram, I f@cking guarantee you, you’ll be flooded with a sh!t-ton of stuff. In fact, they’re probably just gonna put it on the Reading Room, because that’s how much you’re gonna see.

So, you know, what happened to [Durov] is atrocious. You know, his pilot – I’m not even gonna say it. I am shocked at the [Twitter/X] Space and the sh!t they’re talking about; saying about money-running and all that stuff.

Who had the bots though, bitches? You were all in that f@cking chat, doing that sh!t, right? So they want to go after him for “misinformation” and they’re gonna use whatever they can to frame him.

It’s almost like Target, you know, like if you steal at Target, they won’t stop you for stealing a TV, because it’s only 500 bucks, right? But if you get another TV, still 500 bucks. But once you hit that $1,200 limit, suddenly you’re just accidentally not paying for a piece of gum, but five years ago you had stole, you know, $1,199 worth of sh!t over 10 years and suddenly, for that one pack of gum, you’re getting tried for all that shit. Well, this is how they do it. This is how the governments work.

They collect things. They entrap people. And this is why, on my chat, sometimes people are automatically booted, when they have code trailing in from those people, that are in that [Twitter/X] Space that kicked-off Mike Benz; you know, that funnel money or write scripts and attach them to personas, right?

But on top of that, some of them even scam people. I’ve had people in my group that were told, “Hey, it’s gonna help Tore. if you send us crypto and we’ll invest it for you!” and sh!t. And they f@cking steal sh!t – and it’s those little bitches. That’s why when you see people impersonating and having different profiles, you should stay away from them.

Totally stay away from them, because they’re scammers, all of them. And this is why I put a US Patent on my name, too. You know, there’s people running amok, with my image and my name on TikTok.

I send them a nice message and then they’re just gonna get a f@cking lawsuit. That’s pretty much it. That’s how it should go.

Oh, man. Telegram! So they’re coming after him, too. So that way, we only have, what? Gab, Truth, and X, for now? Huh. Everyone should be writing-out these FOIAs!

Everyone, anybody can do it. You can be over 18 and do it. You get on your website, you’re like, “Hey, I’d like to know all emails shared within the past 24 months, you know, all communications of the State Department with the French Embassy, – any French Embassy located in the United States – communications with the American Embassy in France, and any other French counterparts, regarding the social media platform or information application.”

They use some funky words. You can ask Chat GPT or Grok to tell you.

You know what? Actually say, “I want to subpoena all communications of the State Department talking about Telegram with law enforcement in France. Can you write me up a FOIA request?” and it’ll give it to you.

I would also urge you to file the same to DHS and the FBI, because they would have to be collaborating. They were probably in the loop, just to reinforce the case that France has.

I will not be surprised to see that many, maybe another country might jump in, you know, kind of just to reinforce whatever that geriatric-f@cker Macron, little cronies are doing.

But I would also super urge Nina Yankowicz and Telegram. Guarantee, you’ll be very surprised to see what you see there! It’ll be a treasure trove.

So on that note, I’m gonna hop away to go to bed, because we have to be up early, right? Is it 10 or 11? But we have to get ready, too. And suitcases, sh!t.

Okay, so I am going to bed. Say a prayer for [Pavel Durov]. They’re coming for him, hard and we should all be standing with him.

Just like we stood by President Trump. Just like we stood by Andrew Torba. Just like we stand – and stand – by Elon Musk, we should be standing for [Durov] too. Because Free Speech is imperative.

So, yeah, f@ck that Nina Yankowicz, that little f@cking singing c@nt, that sat at my desk. Watch. Guarantee you, that bitch is behind it – and the Chalupas. Well, the Chalupa sisters are pretty much spent. They’re just in Ukraine now.

Have a great evening, Guys.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Concerning Marx:

    The Original Marx Saw a Cultural Battlespace. “I am speaking of a ruthless criticism of all that exists” Marx wrote, or as another translator interpreted it, “the ruthless criticism of the existing order.” [I respectfully jump in here to ask, where did Marx get such an idea as this—from the rebel Jesuit German revolutionary Weishaupt (1748-1830) whose teachings led to the brutal bloodbath French revolution, so admired by Marx and like ilk of the time!] Marx’s goal was not to improve but to destroy: family, human relationships, economics, patriotism. loyalty, morals, religion, Western (Christian) civilization. Destruction of the entire human existence. In Marx’s words, “Thus, the criticism of Heaven is transformed into a criticism of Earth, the criticism of religion into the criticism of law, and the criticism of theology into the criticism of politics”, denigrating Western (Christian) civilization and culture.” Unquote BIG INTEL chapter 6, page 52 by by J Michael Waller, counter intelligence expert formerly associated with the CIA. Big Intel is heavily foot noted and indexed, no small task backing up Waller’s claims with source materials! All bracketed commentary herein is my own, not Waller’s.

    Keep in mind that all of this history came to a head with the beginning of the end of Papal tyranny in Europe. Outlaw Popes had ruled with an iron fist since the death of Charlemaign. In that context only does Marx make some degree of sense, but it’s still a terribly flawed mortal shaking his flesh fist at heaven and heaven’s Divine Sovereign!

  • One monk, tool pilgrimage to Rome and before even made it, was almost successfully poisoned by fellow monks when passing Po river. Their corruption and filth was just a sample what he was to see. Then, shake up for money begun. Upon returning, he used a brand new invention to spread the truth: printing press. His name was Martin Luther. He managed to break off good junk of Europe from the Vatican.

    Then came along Henry VIII. He looked at Luther case, and decided that he, too, can say GTFO to Catholic Church and live to tell the story. It went even better for him. He confiscated all properties enriching himself, crown and his cronies in the process.

    So what was the response of CC? Index Librorum Prohibitorum.

    Now fast forward to Internet age.

    • 007 – It’s apparent you do at least some of your own homework, good! But please to do more because broad brushing people groups is overkill and harmful to your cause and my cause.

      I have researched church history for most of my adult life, it’s hardly ever reported accurately. I’ve also written extensively on it, though have not published. I assure you that your comments are inaccurate at best. There is extant literature available, but while using sectarian sources one has to be mindful of their biases. I takes time and dedication to process, using sectarian vs sectarian to distill the truth.

      Like all worth while endeavors there is a price to be paid, and most are not willing to pay it. Meanwhile please refrain from falsely accusing people groups. Thank you and G-d bless.

        • Right, but I was writing in deference to potential Jewish readers because it is such a small concession. I trust you recognize the words God or god is not a name, its a title. We owe our neighbor respect according to the written record of God. Sometimes we forget.

    • Comment, history from a shotgun is not helpful to peace and harmony, it’s unnecessarily divisive. Please understand, respectfully, FTM

  • Apparently hackers were able to obtain classified information from Israel. Gigabytes of data making it the most severe in history. The hackers are sharing this information on Telegram. Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has refused Israel’s request of censoring this information and handing over information of the users who have shared it.

    The mainstream fake news media is not reporting this angle. After learning this it is making sense. Especially since Russia is also getting involved.

  • I like videos like this that explain everything that is happening and instead of being all doom and gloom, they present a solution.

    The one thing that annoys me about alternative news is everyone is independent. Why hasn’t anyone put together a “Daily Wire” of alternative news where content like the stuff presented on sites like this is reported?

    Alternative news is too sharded. I see there being a need for an organized network that won’t ever sell out. Thoughts?

  • Speaking of insurrection….why isn’t Rep. Jamie Raskin being called out ( as in Criminally Charged) for threatening US Civil War, should his preferred candiate not win the upcoming Presidential election, and be ” installed” on 06JAN2025?

    I see almost zero discussion of this online.
    The zombie MSM ( and the RINOs) find it non-newsworthy.

  • Gonna start compiling a
    collection of 21stC. Psyop Truisms.

    Here’s two:

    1 “If you know their name, they’re in the game.

    2. ” No Psyops without trannies( ie trannie crisis-actors)”.

    I don’t ” want to be right”.
    I want their destructiveness and non-stop LYING …*gone*.

    • 3) 48 hour, 72 hour, 96 hour rule…the interval may need to increase as the sh*t-f*ckery ramps up.
      4) Stop swallowing the hook.
      They know what kind if bait you like.
      Corollary to both 3 & 4 above…
      5) Look for >>>DISCONFIRMING EVIDENCE<<<.
      Trust yiur first instinct…then TEST IT.
      6) What are they distracting *everyone* from…Example: Trump- Multiple Shooters??!? vs. Genocide in Gaza.
      La Brea Tar Pits.

  • BIO: Jankowicz, Nina b.1989 NJ, Ukrainian descent, communications academic, speaks Ukrainian, Russian & Polish, emp. by Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies as disinformation expert 9/19-8/03, founder of Sophias Strategies LLC, former Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellow, Woodrow Wilson global fellow, self styled American cyber security expert, briefly held executive director of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, and all around political busy body showing up everywhere in halls of power.
    COMMENTARY: Nina is psychologically and psyologically joined at the hip with multi-generational Eastern European and Russian Olicharchs, who play both sides of political streets. She like they is a chameleon, a skilled linguist manipulating public opinion. Need more be said?

    • Thank you, very much – so much of this has been scrubbed off the internet – great find!

      Western Ukrainian, by the way – the capital of Nazism on planet Earth.

      • Why did so many Russian oligarchs flee Russia after Putin came to power? And why to Israel? “Mar 14, 2022 … JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel is grappling with how to deal with dozens of Jewish Russian oligarchs as Western nations step up sanctions on …” Let them as has eyes to see, have understanding—Victor Pinchuk, the richest oligarch in Kiev has Kellyanne Conway under contract, according to an informant with deep state connections. I won’t name him here because he already has troubles enough. He “suspects” she is responsible for the Trump team leaks undermining VP nominee Vance. “Suspects”? I think it’s a lot more than that. Which makes sense knowing Kellyanne’s husband is an outspoken flaming Never Trumper Democrat! Trump knows all about George Conway, so why does he continue to have confidence in her? We can speculate. Reflect on all those other Ukrainian connections with both Trump and Biden and you begin to smell smoke. Who else is for sale to Eastern European oligarchs? Hmmm!

  • I thought Nina Jankowicz is very talented. That was very good.

    The Telegram CEO arrest is political. What is going to happen? It will be infiltrated like all the other chat apps and like WhatsApp, the current user base will not care and remain.

    Also, Is there going to be a far reaching campaign to put enough pressure to drop all this?

    Nope, because football season is here! Yeaaaah! People these days know more about sports than the evils of the world.

    They will get their grubby hands on Telegram. They will be the middle man of every electronic conversation in the world.

    Remember when spying requires bugging a phone? Now it is just automatic and everyone’s phone is bugged!

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