As Ed Dowd said the other day, “If you’re a billionaire and you didn’t get the memo not to take the vaccine, you’re not in The Club…I’ve heard, word-of-mouth, some people you would be shocked, didn’t get the memo.”

Sadly, it appears that 25-year Google/Alphabet insider and 9-year YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki may have been one of those billionaires who “didn’t get the memo” and that she was killed by the very thing over which she destroyed YouTubers’ careers, the very thing about which they had been warning their viewers.

Dr William Makis, MD, who has become an expert in managing the vaccine damage caused by the US Government’s genocide program and who has devised a Fenbendazole protocol for reversing the “Turbo Cancers” caused by jab had these comments about the late YouTube CEO:

Susan Wojcicki was a Deep State Operative who was responsible for unprecedented censorship that led to countless unnecessary deaths.

It is somewhat unusual to die of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer after only 2 years.

If she took COVID-19 Vaccines, this would certainly be suspicious for a Turbo Cancer as Lung Cancers are in the top 5 most common Turbo Cancers, although it is hard to believe that a key Deep State operative would have taken any of the jabs themselves.

Longtime Canadian podcaster, Dan Dicks, who was one of the millions de-platformed by Wojcicki had the following to say about her passing.



Dan Dicks: This is Dan Dicks, here reporting for Press for Truth with breaking news. The former CEO of YouTube has just “Died Suddenly” of a turbo cancer that she just developed two years ago.

Former YouTube CEO, Susan Wojcicki dies of cancer, aged 56.

This comes just eight months after her 19-year-old son was killed by a drug overdose.

But more importantly, she developed this cancer and died after taking the COVID-1984 vaccine. The very same one she’s been heavily-promoting and banning people, like me for warning people not to take it!

Like, in August of 2020, when I interviewed The Highwire‘s Del Bigtree on censorship and the coming mandatory vaccination program. And of course, I was labeled as a conspiracy theorist for saying all of that back then, but it has all come to fruition.

Our channels did get censored and the vaccine did become de facto-mandatory for many people!

Remember, when I posted this video on July 7th of 2020 titled, “CONFIRMED! The Absolute Science Behind Masks and the Proof that They Don’t Work with Denny Rancourt!”

“Wearing a mask may soon be mandatory depending on where you live, and this is causing a debate about whether or not masks are actually effective when it comes to protecting your health during a pandemic. Multiple studies have now concluded that masks are not only ineffective, but they, in fact offer a disadvantage to those who choose to wear them.”

Dan Dicks: And guess what happened one week after posting that video? On July 15th, 2020, Press for Truth banned on YouTube. And just like that, all my videos became unavailable for violating YouTube’s policies against so-called “Medical Misinformation”.

Back then I was saying there is no evidence that children should be taking these vaccines or boosters. And then, two years later, World Health Organization says there’s no evidence healthy children and adolescents need COVID boosters. Vindicated.

Back then, I was also explaining how they were fudging the numbers by claiming that people were dying from COVID when they were actually dying with COVID.

And then two years later, a quarter of all COVID deaths are now patients who died with the virus, not from it. Official data shows. Vindicated.

Ontario, first province to correct misinformation on COVID hospitalization numbers. “Ontario is the first province in Canada to update its COVID-19 reporting system, to better distinguish patients hospitalized because of the virus from those who tested positive for it after coming to the hospital for other reasons.”

Listen, now to the late Susan Wojcicki at the World Economic Forum discussing how YouTube implemented certain policies surrounding so-called “Medical Misinformation”, when it comes to COVID.

(Roll video)

Susan Wojcicki: “We’re definitely investing a huge amount to make sure that we’re fighting misinformation. And there are a number of different ways that we look at this.

“So, the first would be from a policy standpoint, we would look at content that we would think about in terms of being violative of our policies.

“So if you look at COVID, for example, we came up with 10 different policies that we said would be violative. An example of that would be saying that ‘COVID came from something other than a virus’.

“And we did see people attacking 5G equipment, for example, because they thought that it was causing COVID.

“And so that would just be an example of a policy that we’d remove. So we do remove content, based on those policies. We actually publish that in a Transparency Report.

“The second one would be really raising up ‘authoritative information’. So if you are dealing with a sensitive subject like news, health, science, we are going to make sure that what we’re recommending is coming from a trusted, well-known publisher that can be reliable.

“And if you think about how Google works, it’s very similar. Like if you type in ‘cancer’, you type in ‘COVID’, what you’re going to get are going to be names that you recognize. They’re not going to be someone that just published a webpage yesterday. So it’s very similar with regard to how we handle that on YouTube.

“The third is making sure that if there’s content that’s ‘borderline content’, that technically meets our policy but is lower quality, that’s content that we basically will not recommend to our users. Our users could still access it, but they will not recommend it.

“And then lastly, we’re just really careful about what we monetize. So we always want to make sure that there’s no incentive. So for example, with regard to Climate Change, we don’t monetize any kind of Climate Change material. So, there’s no incentive for you to keep publishing that material, that is propagating something that is generally understood as not accurate information.”

Dan Dicks: That was pretty blatant, in terms of how they would shadowban “borderline content”, or flat-out ban any content that violates the official narrative.

And then here, in this clip, she explains how they, themselves use influencers and propaganda to steer the conversation into their desired direction.

(Roll video)

Interviewer: When it comes to vaccines, vaccine hesitancy, videos that cause a public health risk, where do you want to see YouTube do better?

Susan Wojcicki: Well, first of all, we’ve taken responsibility very seriously. It’s been one of my top priorities.

And with regard to COVID and with regard to vaccines, that has been a top priority for us. And we have a number of different ways that we address that.

So first of all, we want to make sure that if there’s information that violates our policies, we came up with 10 different policies around COVID. Then, if that’s a violation of policies, then that’s something that we’ll remove.

We removed over a million videos associated with COVID but we also want to make sure that we’re raising up information that we think would be that come from trusted and authoritative sources. And we’ve really been able to do that.

Interviewer: Have you talked to the Biden administration at all about vaccine hesitancy or vaccine misinformation?

Susan Wojcicki: Well, we did an event actually with the Biden administration, including President Biden himself, with a number of creators, Fauci as well.

And we really saw that as an opportunity to be able to help and spread the information that was coming from the administration and coming from experts, using creators and those channels to be able to distribute authoritative, trusted information.

Interviewer: I wonder if there’s anything that you see in the way that anti-vaxxers behave on the platform, if there are any data or insights, there that could be helpful to people understanding where they’re coming from.

Susan Wojcicki: I mean, we try to understand what are the different ways that we can break through.

So, we talked about, in this campaign that we did about “getting back to the things that you love”. We talked about we we had people that represented all different backgrounds. We had people like one of them was actually featuring her mom, talking about like how she was thinking about it.

So, we what we really tried to do was get not just from the experts, but also people that were not experts, but who were explaining like, why did they take the vaccine? Why was that relevant for them? And what was their thought process?

So and that’s a place, where I believe YouTube can really shine is having experts as well as just regular creators and people give their opinions.

Dan Dicks: Susan should have listened to us, instead of the so-called “experts”, because if she did, she’d be alive today.

And I hate to keep saying “I told you so” but I literally did, in this clip from 15 years ago, way back in 2009.

(Roll video)

Dan Dicks: Well, I have a feeling that they’ll use the age old tactic of, you know, order out of chaos or problem reaction solution, it could be a health pandemic, it could be an economic crash, they need something to to get Canadians into this fear state.

Dan Dicks: Or if you haven’t seen it, check out this clip from a decade ago, way back in 2014. You just switch out the word Ebola for COVID. And you tell me if I nailed it or not.

(Roll video)

Dan Dicks: The medical industrial complex is so corrupt, and so evil that no one should take them on their word. And that’s the real fear, here. Not Ebola, but the fact that we can’t even trust our own medical establishment.

Doctors are supposed to be the professionals that work for patients. And over the 20th century, more in Canada, but in the US, as well, government meddling has come between the doctor and the patient. But there is another force that has also come between the doctor and the patient. And that is the media.

Reporters, with no medical experience whatsoever are telling you not only what Ebola is, but also how to fear it. Now granted, there have been some interviews with doctors. So it’s not all just guesswork by hack journalists.

But all media has a worldview in which it promotes and there is a product to be sold, whether it’s a new pill or a vaccine. And that’s why there’s hype over Ebola.

All media is propaganda. And behind every headline is greed and fear.

And for the average person, Ebola is not a threat. I won’t consider it a threat until I start hearing about friends of friends who are getting sick.

And absent actually going outside and experiencing life, social media is a good way to find out what’s happening in your community.

Now, I’ve noticed that some people who are concerned about the amount of vaccines that we give to children are turning around and completely making the case for the Ebola scare. Do they not see how this plays into the hands of the power elite?

An Ebola pandemic, whether real or manufactured, allows for more domestic controls. We lose more of our civil liberties when the public is afraid of Ebola, or H1N1 or whatever the false flag is. And that’s what this amounts to: a false flag.

3,400 people have died from Ebola. That’s terrible and tragic. But it’s nothing compared to the 88,000 who have died in the US from alcohol abuse every year. Or how about malaria? In 2012, malaria killed over 600,000 people.

Why the whole hype over Ebola and not malaria? This is not 1940 or 1904. Birth mortality rates have decreased steadily year by year.

But there are also more pandemic scares than ever. Bird flu, H1N1, SARS, West Nile, mad cow, tuberculosis, HIV, AIDS, even BPA and DDT and asbestos.

Now, I’m not saying that all these pandemics are harmless or that vaccinations is necessary. Quite the contrary.

But since 1940, when we gave our children only two vaccinations, the Medical Industrial Complex has grown to create at least 14 vaccinations before the age of six; vaccines with names like DTAP, Hib, rotavirus, MMR, and it goes on and on.

Now do false pandemics lead to more vaccinations? Well, there seems to be a correlation, there and now that the Ebola vaccination is close, just look at how fragile society has become, and how that plays into the hands of the social engineers.

They want us downtrodden and broken, afraid of death and enslaved to a viewpoint that life must be preserved, at all costs.

Truth is, everyone eventually dies. But fear is how they control us. So stop letting them control you. There are good reasons why Western civilization hasn’t suffered a pandemic since the Spanish Flu. And there is a good reason why the Spanish flu spread the way that it did and was as deadly as it was. The HIV AIDS virus, while deadly, never did live up to its fear-mongering.

We’ve come a long way since the days of letting leeches drain our bad blood. But we’ve also turned away from being health conscious individuals, and towards a society that treats symptoms. We look at the effects instead of the cause. We don’t have a health care system. We have a sick care system.

And in this kind of world, the best thing that you can do is treat yourself. Find out what works for you and do your own research.

My philosophy is to read everything and come to your own conclusions. And don’t worry about that cough. It is autumn, summer is over and it’s getting colder. Having a cough or a stuffy nose is just a part of life. I’d suggest you up your vitamin C intake, eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables, get a lot of sleep and drink plenty of unfluoridated water. Don’t stress and don’t make being sick an excuse to drink ginger ale. Canada Dry does not help you get better.

And remember, anyone selling you on this idea of a “pandemic” is doing exactly that. Selling you an idea.

Now, the idea is that you are a sick, decrepit human being that needs to buy “Product X”, in order to be healthy, happy and fruitful. Well, the reality is that this is just another power elite meme to push for more vaccinations and more social control.

So, in a nutshell, that’s all the Ebola scare really is: a false flag.

Ebola creates a threat that can be used to fund Big Pharma research, while at the same time, controlling people with more restrictions on travel, both foreign and domestic – and by justifying “quarantine centers”. It’s also a great excuse for military intervention in Africa. Kony 2012 didn’t quite cut it, after all.

So it’s classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. And when you buy into the fear, you end up reacting exactly the way that they want you to.

Dan Dicks: So have we, who have been banned for all this stuff from YouTube been vindicated? Let me know what you think in the comment section below.

And I want to be clear that I take no pleasure in anyone’s death. I hope that Susan’s family and friends can get through this very difficult time.

But I also have to call out hypocrisy when I see it, because we were also warning about these “Turbo Cancers” that were being developed, in the wake of these vaccines. But we’re being laughed off as “Conspiracy Theorists”.

And now, one of the biggest promoters of these vaccines and the one behind the censorship of anybody speaking out against them has died of a Turbo Cancer, after taking the vaccine.

Again, guys, I hate to say, “I told her so.”

Thanks so much for watching, guys. If you’ve been watching Press for Truth for all these years and have yet to contribute, please consider making a contribution today at

Thank you so much to anybody who takes one minute today to contribute to my efforts at Press for Truth.

So that’s all for today, my friends. Don’t forget to click that thumbs up button. Share this video with your friends and your family, who you think need to see it the most. And stay tuned, guys.

We’re going to have more video reports coming soon. God willing. This is Dan Dick, reporting for Press for Truth.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Didn’t she give a “shout out” to I-Spend-15-Minutes-Of-Every-Episode-Telling-Conservatives-Why-Israel-Must-Be-Supported-At-All-Costs Ben Shapiro stating she doesn’t like that her son watches Ben Shapiro content as if he was soooooo controversial like an Alex Jones?

    There is nothing edgy or different about Ben Shapiro. He is long format Fox News that constantly pushes pro-Israel talking points. You won’t any unique opinion that differs from mainstream media. He believes the vaccines were great and that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen. He operates within the same confines of accepted mainstream talking points that all other fake news schills spout.

    They create fake drama so the normie be like “Oh the Youtube CEO that bans content based on my political beliefs doesn’t like Ben Shapiro. I’m gonna go watch his content to support him and stick it to the Youtube CEO, yessss, I shall subscribe to Daily Wire.”

  • “YouTubers’ careers” LoL, what kind of “career” is that???

    What kind of job it is?

    As for this evil bitch, she deserved exactly that…


    By the way, a judge ruled that google was a monopoly, would it be time to break it?

    • Remember Microsoft monopoly case? MS, as Google, are creations of Deep State for the purpose of harvesting data and manipulating the public. (NSA hates Linux, according to Snowden.) With help of unlimited USAP budgets, they quickly enter the monopoly territory. Then, clash between illegal monopoly and need for Deep State’ operations occurs.

      In case of MS, judge ordered “independent” monitoring guy to sit in MS office for months (paid by MS), while nothing happened.

      I predict same outcome for Google.

  • What are we to do since we know that all Dentists in America are giving shots that contain MrNA
    in them. Everyone has to go to the dentist sooner or later. I was thinking about a holistic dentist but I don’t believe any dentists know that the poison is in their shots. I need an answer please.

    • I found one in my area but haven’t had the time to make an appointment. You have to ask around, locally. Except I guess, health food stores are full of vaxxed, zombified Lefties…

  • Google, Netflix, YouTube, and OpenAI execs are hosting a fundraiser for Kamala Hyena Harris
    Executives from Google, Netflix, Youtube,, and OpenAI are throwing a fundraiser for Kamala Harris.
    The event will take place August 27 in Washington, DC.
    The reception will feature guest speakers who advised the vice president in the White House.

    Scorecard uses what’s known as a prismatic scoring algorithm. It steals votes at the transfer point
    the administrator at every Secretary of State’s computer whose votes are transferred to the vault.

    Rupert Murdock Seduced by Valerie Jarrett and Obama…
    The Obama Team enters FOX News with a duffle bag full of $$ Money.

  • Google, Netflix, YouTube, and OpenAI execs are hosting a fundraiser for Kamala Hyena Harris
    Executives from Google, Netflix, Youtube,, and OpenAI are throwing a fundraiser for Kamala Harris.
    The event will take place August 27 in Washington, DC.
    The reception will feature guest speakers who advised the vice president in the White House.

    Scorecard uses what’s known as a prismatic scoring algorithm. It steals votes at the transfer point
    the administrator at every Secretary of State’s computer whose votes are transferred to the vault.

    Rupert Murdock Seduced by Valerie Jarrett and Obama…
    The Obama Team enters FOX News with a duffle bag full of $$ Money.

  • If anyone is still using ziotube, make sure to use other app such as newpipe or something similar without google account & be always on vpn.
    If not, then use browser isolation and watch in on a browser (that you never log in to google with) & be on vpn.
    If you don’t do that, they will know what you are watching, categorize you as an extremist and try to manipulate contents.

  • She was killed. Her son too as a warning which she didnt heed IMO.

    I hope she had a miserable dying experience and hope there is such a thing as hell just for her.

    This should be celebrated.

  • the cartel medical system is now on suicide watch after soft killing their customer base . the big drug and health care corporate graveyard is littered with md. pharma stooges and vaxxaholic media shills who took their own lives and advice and payed the price bragging about saving granny and to get those kids lined up against the school wall next and it turns out they were just baby killers Jones-ing for the easy money being spread around by .gov to fulfill the death wish of the demon state . the terminally slow may finally break the spell after losing family and friends in droves but they are quiet as a mouse so as to not reveal how monumentally stupid they were to push the poison on their kin in the first place . save yourselves kids go kick your mom in the nuts next time she mentions doctor visits .

  • Yes, all your forewarnings have been vindicated, bro. Thankfully, there is a growing number (here in the U.S.) that hasn’t swallowed the blue pill of people like Anthony Fauci and remain healthy, while others, some of whom we know, have suffered the consequences at the hands of the murderous medical system, and been killed as a result.

    Keep pursuing the truth my friend. The Truth will set you free.
    God bless.

  • Hi ,
    I recal hearing about the CEO lady for YouTube and this was a few years ago around beginning of or mid 2020 and I Then I saw an interview she did and I realized it’s True ,
    She wanted the censorship on YouTube and was in favor of it.
    I realized she was very misinformed.
    My mom actually told me in 1975 at the age of 9 years old my mom said: She would kill me and then disown me if I ever got a vaccine.
    Those words stayed with me the rest of my life.
    It caused my to question and look at the big picture.
    And I was lucky to catch wind if Robert Wilner going to Spain in 1994 to stick a needle in his body to prove HIV AIDS Lies and Fraud of catching HIV AIDS from blood or salvia,
    I was able to catch an article here there about it and years later seen the video of Dr Robert Wilner and as I watched it was very Eye Opening and sad cause I tins of people weren’t getting his message.

    Incase you never saw the video here’s a great link for it.

    Turbo cancer man if only the lady was more aware / awake ,
    But I realize some people have their heads so far buried in the sand that those people will never understand the Lies and Fraud of Big Pharma which is run by Rockefeller ,
    When H1N1 happened in china years back I said they’re killing the Chinese people what a shame,
    Ebola in the 1990s was exposed as Fraud f to those who were lucky to see certain interviews that just made ya laugh out loud .
    They treat the symptoms and not the cause like he said in today’s article , that is so true and people don’t question it
    I very against having my kids vaccinated when they were born in 2003 ,
    I told my then wife (“was married 1996 to 2004”) you vaccinate the kids then at least let me interview and ask questions to the doctor while you’re present also to show you with your own eyes he will fail at why vaccines are good , I told my wife I will expise his knowledge as a doctor who doesn’t know the dangers if Vaccines.
    My wife agreed.
    I brought up to the doctor are you aware from 1955 to 1962 / 1953 roughly that the united states government admitted to knowingly putting mercury in the polio Vaccines and y25 to 30 years later 98 million people had cancer that traced to the polio Vaccines from 1955 to 1962/1963
    He the doctor was unaware.
    I said to the doctor you make a commission for every vaccine you inject into kuds and babies correct doctor ???
    Doctor took his time stalking but I was unrelenting in asking,
    He finally said yes I make money from injecting Vaccines.
    I said: You don’t see that as a Red Flag no offense doctor but you’re stupid,
    I tell you you what doctor I dare you Ivet you a Thousand dollars cash that you don’t have the Guts or heart or integrity to research side effects or safety of Vaccines.
    I must of lit a fire under the doctor cause he did so much research He so dearly wanted to prove an average person wrong that was me average guy.
    Anyway doctor called up in September / October of 2003 crying on the phone saying You’re Right and I have your thousand dollars,
    I said: Doctor I am satisfied you really understand how bad Vaccines are,
    Doctor kept crying ,
    Then he finally said: To me you don’t understand I’m a medical doctor I have access to medical books and lit magazines that the public can’t access ,
    He then said I quit being a Doctor and opened up my very own landscaping business.
    I told him I am very proud of you for investigating the Vaccines ,
    He said: I’ll never go back to the medical field .

    It’s greed , sell ours , stupidity and ignorance that keeps big pharma ina profitable business….

    Oh yeah and I found out my ex-wife and kids never took the mRNA Vaccines , step daughter said the twins (“my kids”) and ex-wife are very against the Vaccines,
    My step daughter spent a few years in university and Got brainwashed by their teaching ,, so far step daughter is super healthy no complications….

    Censorship never done any good , it ends up hurting more than helping…

  • Karma can be quite unforgiving, as she found out. Not that he death should be celebrated of course. but it ought to be a wake-up call to those of her class.

  • Because it disappeared when I sent it before, here is attempt #2

    The importance of names I will show you:

    Susan Wojcicki is the sister Anne E. Wojcicki, co-founder of ’23and me’ a San Francisco genetic saliva testing company. They are daughters of Russian born Jewish journalist Esther Hochman and Polish born Roman Catholic Stanley Wojcicki a physics professor at Stanford. Anne married Jewish Russian born Google co-founder Sergy Brin and is now co-owner of commercial real estate properties in Los Altos. Both are big supporters of the “Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society”. Their grandfather Franciszek Wójcicki was an adaptable Polish politician of the (agrarian) Peoples Party and the (Marxist) Polish Peoples Party.

    The take away here is this family’s history is rooted in top down ruling systems and they have imbedded themselves in American corporations and educational institutions. Compare this with America’s founders whose family histories was as victims of top down ruling systems and you will better understand the subversion that has happened to us. These names I have provided represent some of the nouveau richest people in the world—AND MONEY TALKS!

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