Daniel Estulin joins Alex Jones live to reveal the war raging between the US intelligence Deep State and President Trump. Daniel offers his analysis, as a 24-year Russian military counterintelligence veteran.
From his point of view, recent events in the US appear to be propelling the world toward the “Multipolar World Order” championed by Vladimir Putin.
The alternative being offered by the One Word Order Atlanticists is genocide and “You will eat zee bugs.”
The debt that has been deliberately run up by the US Government is not repayable, therefore, the continued existence of the United States, as we know it hangs in the balance. The Liberal Banking Elite (aka Atlanticists) need to trigger a force majeur in order to legally write-off that debt.
Enter World War III and a concomitant civil war in the US that splits the country in two – or three or four – or however many necessary to then impose the CBDC enslavement system controlled by the same Atlanticists via the Bank for International Settlements.
Daniel explains that there are two models before us: The Global Financiers, who are willing to destroy the United States, in order to survive vs Donald Trump (aka MAGA), who wants to save America.
Daniel asks, “What does Make America Great Again mean? It means the survival of the United States at the expense of these Global Liberal Banking Financiers. And this is exactly what Trump and this part of the Globalist Establishment Wing behind him [are trying to do]; you’re trying to avoid the destruction of the United States.
“But the people who own the world money; the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, they’re Globalists. They’re not American Citizens. You and I have talked about this, before. They may have American passports, but that’s only because that’s where the money is.
“They’re Globalists, and they’re willing to destroy the United States. Now, why – a lot of people don’t understand – why would someone like David Rockefeller, who allegedly makes all his money in America – would want to destroy the United States? Because, they already own almost everything on Planet Earth that interests them. And…what they own no longer brings them an increase in their wealth, it only increases the cost, because there’s nowhere else to expand. Because we’ve reached the “Limits to Growth” within a current economic model, which is Bretton Woods.“
In other words, Daniel says the only way the Atlanticist Elite can continue to increase their wealth is by impoverishing – or eliminating and stealing the resources of – those beneath them on the social ladder.
In order for Globalist minions to survive and succeed, they must be in complete lockstep with the Liberal Banking Cartel’s goals to collapse and dismantle the United States and to asset-strip everything (such as our National Parks).
This is the Treason being committed daily by people like Alejandro Mayorkas and countless other minions of the Biden administration, including members of the CIA-controlled mainstream media.
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Daniel says the Western intelligence agencies are the main instruments driving this Atlanticist financial international policy, which is why Trump advocates for the abolition of the CIA, FBI, etc. – and needless to say, they’re not going to forgive him for it.
Daniel says the 2024 Elections are essentially a race between a faction in the United States Establishment committed to maintaining a One World global empire, at the cost of destroying the United States and a faction committed to a robust, re-industrialized, more self-sufficient United States of America that, by definition would be part of a Multipolar World Order.
Daniel continues, “And the question before us is whether the United States administration can re-engineer the Federal Budget to a positive return on investment? If it does not succeed – again, if it does not succeed – we’re entering a long, harsh financial squeeze. Worse, if tinkering with the US Constitution occurs and/or piratization takes over, I think we’re looking at some serious trouble, ahead.”
The everyday people of America are being crushed by the same Globalists who have been immiserating countries like Russia for centuries. This is why the Globalists fear any alliance between our peoples and why they attempt to smear Westerners who refuse to dehumanize Russians as “Russian Agents” and as “Putin’s Puppet”.
Daniel goes on to say that the US needs to have a civil war, in order to resolve the conflicts between the Woke Left, who have been brainwashed to hate America vs the more conservative Patriots, who want to save their country. I disagree with him that a civil war is necessary to accomplish this.
Should Trump manage to get back into the White House, there will be mass lay-offs of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of US Government bureaucrats but before that can happen, we may see the Deep State assassinate Biden, since he is no longer of use to them – and the false flag that they use may, indeed become the flashpoint that triggers the civil war that Daniel thinks that we “need”.
(Opening Teaser)
Daniel Estulin: So, the arrival of Donald Trump will inevitably sink the CIA, one of the key players within the Deep State power structures, into a serious crisis, because Trump, again, is going to submit the Agency to a mandatory reform. And I think the inevitability of this is dictated, not so much by the fact that reforms have long been absolutely unavoidable, but rather because there’s a serious ideological conflict in the relationship between Donald Trump and the CIA/the Deep State.
And Trump has promised to focus on the profound reform of the entire intelligence apparatus itself, not only the CIA, but also the FBI, also the NSA. What would that mean? It would mean the firing or early retirement of thousands of agents and bureaucrats that have been involved in covert operations the world over, knowing where the bodies are buried.
And so, we should expect an unprecedented number of high-profile leaks in this all-out war between the President of the United States and the CIA, in the face of the Deep State.
And again, at stake is the survival of the Agency. And so to survive, Alex, both ideologically and physically, Donald Trump will have to subjugate the CIA to his interest. He has no choice. I mean, I talked about this back in 2016 in my book, ‘In the Shadows of a Presidency’.
He needed to subjugate the CIA. He didn’t do that. We know what happened.
(InfoWars Bumper)
Alex Jones: Now, Daniel Estulin has incredible contacts around the world…He doesn’t make a big deal about it. He’s hooked into global intelligence agencies and he was the big Bilderberg insider. I’ve known him 20 years.
He’s in my seminal film, ‘Endgame’. And he predicted – and we should get that clip and put it out, because people pay attention to that, about, “Oh, look, we were right.”
It’s like this guy, he said a month ago, on the show. He said, “They’re going to try to kill Trump. It’s imminent.”
Because they want World War III, and they know if we get control, they’re done.
He called it. He nailed it. He said it.
And he’s here with us now to tell us what’s coming next and his important analysis and advice. He’s a best-selling author and a good friend of mine.
And he’s really helped us, behind the scenes with amazing intel and connections to the highest levels of government around the world. So Daniel doesn’t toot his horn, but now it’s time people know Daniel Estulin’s a heavy-hitter. Daniel, thank you so much.
Daniel Estulin: Alex, thanks for having me. It’s the right time to stand up and be counted. I want to go back for a little bit. and before I actually talk about what happened in Pennsylvania and also, the aftermath of that, because there are some very interesting things, from a marketing perspective, which we need to analyze.
I mean, you’re selling a shirt:
(Image of new Trump Bulletproof T-Shirt)
But that shirt represents a marketing shift, which we haven’t seen, I think, ever in the history of the United States. We’ll get to that, later.
But what we’re seeing right now, Alex, from a higher vantage point, is that the US Elections represent – or represented – a shift in power from a faction in the United States Establishment committed to maintaining a global empire to a faction intended on ensuring a robust, more self-sufficient United States of America.
And if anything, this will accelerate the shift from this unipolar to a multipolar world. And the question before us is whether the United States administration can re-engineer the Federal Budget to a positive return on investment? If it does not succeed – again, if it does not succeed – we’re entering a long, harsh financial squeeze.
Worse, if tinkering with the US Constitution occurs and/or piratization takes over, I think we’re looking at some serious trouble, ahead.
And so, the arrival of Donald Trump, OK, I think right now, it’s a foregone conclusion that he’ll win the elections – unless he’s killed.
So, the arrival of Donald Trump will inevitably sink the CIA, one of the key players within the Deep State power structures, into a serious crisis, because Trump – again, he’s going to submit the Agency to a mandatory reform. And I think the inevitability of this is dictated, not so much by the fact that our reforms have long been absolutely unavoidable, but rather, because there’s a serious ideological conflict in the relationship between Donald Trump and the CIA/the Deep State.
And Trump has promised to focus on the profound reform of the entire intelligence apparatus itself, not only the CIA, but also the FBI, also the NSA. What would that mean? It would mean the firing or early retirement of thousands of agents and bureaucrats that have been involved in covert operations the world over, who know where the bodies are buried. And so, we should expect an unprecedented number of high-profile leaks and this all-out war between the President of the United States and the CIA in the face of the Deep State – and again, at stake is the survival of the Agency.
And so to survive, Alex, both ideologically and physically, Donald Trump will have to subjugate the CIA to his interests. He has no choice. I mean, I talked about this back in 2016 in my book, ‘In the Shadows of a Presidency’.
He needed to subjugate the CIA. He didn’t do that. We know what happened.
He needed to impose new rules of the game or otherwise, live with the real consequences and possibility of an enemy or potential saboteur in his backyard. We’ve seen this in 2016.
Alex Jones: Daniel, let me just interrupt you. Let me interrupt you briefly. You’ll continue. You’re dead-on. But you said something so huge, so paramount, so important: The Globalists are on a wartime economy. They’ve decided to have endless war…the EU has said that’s their new financial policy: a 30-year war with Russia, which will immediately escalate to full war. It’s insane. It’s megalomania behavior.
It’s like Hitler and Barbarossa attacking Russia, because he was losing against England and losing in North Africa. It’s this tyrant’s move. And total financial collapse, if we don’t reorganize and then reboost the dollar and make deals with Russia and China and stop all this, that’s the only way for global stabilization.
And those groups know how much danger there is. They’re ready to make deals. They’ll make a deal with someone that actually makes the deals.
Putin has said 100 times, 1,000 times. He goes, “We make deals, they break them. Donald Trump makes deals, he follows them. We want to make deals. We don’t want nuclear war. We don’t want global domination.”
Russia is the biggest country in the world. We can’t even get all our resources. And so you hit it: For people serving this clique of lawyers and New World Order scum, this is total financial collapse and civil war and nuclear war. Everyone should be for Trump. Please continue.
Daniel Estulin: Well, it’s a very interesting point you just made. Again, going back to what you said. Now, the question is, what are we looking at, right now? Are we looking at civil war in America or are we looking at a global war?
Because again, if you look at the numbers, if you look at the actual numbers, themselves, how much the United States owes all the people who run the Government.
I think the key question is, should we expect another assassination attempt? I think to answer this question, we need to understand whose interests the United States Democratic Party represents and why Donald Trump is so dangerous for a certain party of the Globalists whose visible members we know who they are: The Bidens, the Nulands, the Soros’, the Clintons, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
And of course, the symbioses of the intelligence agencies and Western officials, they have their own interests, but only within this framework of their compliance with the goal of the Global Financial Liberal Banking Financier Cartel – the Satanists.
And Trump advocates, again, for the abolition of the CIA, abolition of the FBI, for the abolition of NSA as an instrument of this financial international policy.
And needless to say, they’re not going to forgive him for it. OK, it’s a game for keeps. It’s win or die. OK, Trump is now opposed by those who are ready to sacrifice the United States as a nation-state for their own survival. Again, you and I’ve talked about this many times before.
You have two models: You have the Global Financiers, who are willing to destroy the United States, to survive themselves and Donald Trump. What does Make America Great Again mean? It means the survival of the United States at the expense of these Global Liberal Banking Financiers.
And this is exactly what Trump, on this part of the Globalist Establishment Wing behind him; you’re trying to avoid the destruction of the United States.
But the people who own the world money; the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, they’re Globalists. They’re not American Citizens. You and I have talked about this, before. They may have American passports, but that’s only because that’s where the money is.
They’re Globalists, and they’re willing to destroy the United States. Now, why – a lot of people don’t understand – why would someone like David Rockefeller, who allegedly makes all his money in America – would want to destroy the United States? Because, they already own almost everything on Planet Earth that interests them. And…what they own no longer brings them an increase in their wealth, it only increases the cost, because there’s nowhere else to expand. Because we’ve reached the “Limits to Growth” within a current economic model, which is Bretton Woods.
You cannot expand infinitely on Planet Earth. There’s a limit to the space. And so, the growth of wealth came at the expense –
Alex Jones: (Intererupting) — Hold on, let me just add this. And you’re right, you’re right, Daniel. They’re also threatened by a potentially free America that is a benchmark and example to the world – when they want Globalist tyranny, worldwide. Sorry, go ahead.
Daniel Estulin: Well, you see, the growth of wealth came at the expense of growing debt.
And so, this global government debt has exceeded $100 trillion, of which the United States shares $37.5 trillion, or 35.6% of the global economy. And over the past year, the US National Debt grew by 6%. So something needs to be done about the debt, OK? This debt cannot be redeemed.
It can only be written off. So, how do you write off the trillions of dollars of debt? You can only do it through World War III, OK? And for it to become World War III, to write off the debt, through force majeure, the responsibilities, all you need—the extraterrestrials to come down on Planet Earth – you know, a meteorite to destroy half of the Planet Earth. You need World War III.
But before you get to World War III, you’re necessary to go to a civil war in the United States and split the country in two – if necessary, in three or four. And so, the Bankers, Alex, are willing to accept this. And the new reality is a new currency, but control over its creation will remain the same.
And so, it’s unacceptable for the owners of the Federal Reserve to maintain this old debt and continue to increase it, running with the problem of preserving American Statehood.
And so, Donald Trump and his supporters, who dream, again, of Making America Great Again – at the expense of these Global Financiers; are pushing the bankers towards bankruptcy – and also, the loss of control of the Global Financial System.
And so, when choosing between the United States and money, needless to say, the bankers choose money. Namely, control over the sphere of money, circulation, and the rules of their functionality.
And so, in this situation, Ukraine, it’s a wild card. It’s an underdeveloped territory, where it’s possible to maintain dollar expansion and gain time. But Trump doesn’t want that.
He wants to end the seizure of Ukraine, not because he’s pro-Putin [or] pro-Russia. He’s pro-United States. And so, what he’s saying, the money, we’re going to get back to the United States. Make America Great Again, at the expense of everybody else: Bring all the businesses back from China and everywhere else.
Alex Jones: The Globalists are using Ukraine to suck our money out and prop themselves up. And so, you mentioned five minutes ago, I want you to elaborate: Their clear only move is to try to assassinate Trump, now. They’re so desperate. Can you speak to that?
Daniel Estulin: Well…the ideas that they have is very simple to explain: With the help of the war, you can invest in the Military Industrial Complex, and you can make money. But the problem is, the money you’re making is only temporary – at best. And so, the military sector has growth limits.
And once that growth limit is exhausted, you can have a swift decline – or you have a global thermonuclear war. Okay, so what does it mean? It means that death for the debt-laden United States economy, it means the death of the global function of the US dollar. And so, for the Global Financiers, the dollar is only a temporary tool for maintaining global power.
And they will have no problems exchanging the dollar for another currency. And they will have no problems, at all sacrificing the United States to achieve this goal. And this is why objectively, okay, objectively, Trump is running a very high risk of being killed. They have no trouble trying it, again. They may not succeed. I don’t think they will. But they’re going to try again.
There may be a further attempt on his life before the elections, during the elections, post-elections – because again, President Kennedy, why was he killed? He was killed for the desire to overcome the Cuban Missile Crisis, withdraw troops from Vietnam by reaching an agreement with the Soviet Union.
And Trump wants to do something very similar, okay? He wants to get rid of Ukraine and make a deal with Russia. And by doing this, Alex, he aggravated the crisis with these Global Financiers and deprives them of the time they need to transform the world in their favor.
In other words, Trump is objectively hindering the transformation of the power of Global Bankers, condemning them to certain death.
And again, please understand, we’re talking about the Global Financiers versus the national capital of the United States. It’s a winner-take-all fight for the life and death. And therefore, Trump’s life will always be in danger, will always hang in the balance, no matter what position he holds in the United States. Because the Global Bankers, they do not need Trump alive!
Alex Jones: Daniel, how do we counter the Globalists and let them know that we know they’re behind it, so they don’t try to kill Trump? What should Trump’s move be?
Daniel Estulin: Well, there’s an interesting project, I’m not sure. I haven’t seen anyone really talk about in the United States, okay? But there’s an interesting project.
And I think the way to explain it, why they’re doing what they’re doing, okay, is this project called Project 2025, okay? Which is a 900-page strategy for deep reform in the United States put forward by a conservative Heritage Foundation.
And it was this project that Joe Biden frightened the bejesus out of his voters the day before the shooting in Pennsylvania. Now, is this really such a scary project? Well, you see, the goal of Project 2025 is declared to be nothing less than deconstruction of the Administrative State in the United States.
In other words, the same Deep State that entangled Donald Trump in his first term, which is now clear, again, allowed, if not directly organized the shooting on July 13th. What they’re proposing with Project 2025 is they’re dismantling the Deep State. And this time, the authors of the strategy decided not to repeat the mistakes from 2016.
In other words, they intend to begin restructuring the United States from the first day, from the first minute Trump returns to the Oval Office. And for this purpose, okay, Trump must be allowed – if you read the report, an army of proven, trained, and prepared conservatives, in order to then, place the right people in the right places.
In other words, this is not a “quite a lot” purge of the ranks of all the levels of the American government. This strategy absolutely is the purge, as they had, back in the Soviet Union. It doesn’t mean they’re gonna kill them, but they’re gonna get rid of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of these bureaucrats. But –
Alex Jones: (Interrupting) Remove them out of all the levels of power.
Daniel Estulin: Get rid of them, get rid of them. Of course, Trump said he doesn’t know anything about the project. But here, I think Trump is being disingenuous, because if you look, for example, the project director of the Heritage Foundation, Paul Dance, who is a former chief of staff of the US Office of Personnel Management, okay? So what we’re looking at, again, you’re looking at a project designed to dismantle, destroy the Deep State, destroy the Federal Reserve, destroy the CIA, destroy the FBI.
And that’s why they’re so scared. That’s why they’re so scared. They’re absolutely scared!
And then again, if you look at what happened on the 13th of July, okay? And the mainstream media – you can’t make this up, okay? You read the articles they’re talking about. Is Trump an actor? Is he a political beast? Is he a hero? And so there have been a lot of articles written in the American media, Politico, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN talking about this, incessantly.
Trump’s behavior under bullets changed his value and maybe the way future presidential campaigns are run and this is something I want to talk about. So, mostly tons of analytics about the assassination attempt on Trump, okay? Dumped on the reader by the American media.
A large place is occupied by the discussion of the behavior of a former – and most likely, future – President of the United States. In the first minutes after the shots were fired – so, mainstream media is writing about this, some with envy, some with genuine horror. Because basically, they’re saying that the door to the White House was open for Trump, not even by the shots themselves, by the way he reacted to them.
In other words, largely spontaneous, instinctive, but extremely effective, coupled with the skill of the photographers. For example, The New York Times, they devoted an entire article to analyzing the photographs that were seen around the world with Trump –
Alex Jones: (Interrupting) Well, that’s right. We just saw the real Trump. I know professional golfers that are like, world-famous. They’ve talked about it. And they say, Trump when he’s playing normal people is okay. When he plays the Tiger Woods [of the world], he becomes like a professional and can even – if they don’t pay attention – beat them. Literally, he only comes in a clutch.
And we saw Trump savoring the moment. We saw the real Trump and people went, “Whoa!” when they saw that. Because Alex, if you analyze the dynamics of the plot, the bloody face of the position of his fist, and of course, you cannot avoid analogies – and among which is, not only the ‘Raising of the Flag on Iwo Jima’, but also [‘La Liberté guidant le peuple’ by Eugène Delacroix].
And so the power of photographs, if you really think about it, lies not so much in what they show, but in what is conveyed through images. And Trump seems to understand that better than any other politician in our time. These aren’t even my words. These are the words of The New York Times. And so, in the midst of this mortal danger, because his life was in danger, he was like, inches away from being killed, okay? Trump, in that instant, had the presence of mind about what he will look like.
A historical image, there’s no more history. There’s only an eternal presence of content that Donald Trump understands even amongst the shots being fired themselves. “So Trump’s reaction on stage,” writes Bloomberg, “It was not an accident, but the behavior of a political beast.”
It’s a very savvy impulse, Alex, that has already led to a huge number of consequences, from increased approval rating of Trump’s candidacy among independent voters, to the strengthening of the Bitcoin, itself. This was a kind of a flash of horror that turned into this purely Trumpian spectacle.
And so these images of a defiant Trump, with blood on his face –
Alex Jones: (Interrupting) And that photo of him when they’re all on top of him, and he’s like praying.
Daniel Estulin: They is no better advertising than any money can buy. And so the very moment, the bullet, the second, the microsecond that the bullet grazed Trump’s ear, Trump already knew exactly where a group of photographers were near the stage.
Somehow, in this chaos of this brush with death, Trump stood up and shook his fist, essentially telling Secret Service agents to stop doing their job, so that he, Donald Trump, a political animal to do his job and created this character for the ages. And Trump has always had this knack for turning moments of complete vulnerability into a complete show of force. How can we forget Trump’s equally famous –
Alex Jones: (Intererupting) – And he makes world leaders admire him. Like the little off-camera shot where he says “Xi Jinping is really a tough, fierce guy,” makes Xi Jinping admire him. And Trump didn’t even know they were taping that. It’s just, he just magically knows the force is with him. So now they’re super scared. They were already horrified by Trump. And now they’re in full horror.
Daniel Estulin: You can’t teach this, Alex. Yeah, you can’t teach this. This is something you can’t learn.
Look, if somebody shoots at you, look left or right, go down on my knee. You don’t learn this, okay? Trump instinctively understands the meaning of a visual image. And some compare him to Hitler, others to Mussolini, while others recall how the first color television in the entire New York neighborhood in the Trump house taught him that image dominates everything else. And I want to remind you what Nietzsche said –
Alex Jones: (Interrupts) Stay there, stay there. Stay there, Daniel. Daniel, we gotta go to break. Stay there. Do a few more minutes with you. Scott Bennett’s coming in, Army Intel officer. Stay with us, hour number three. Straight ahead, folks. You are the Paul Reveres.
(Commercial break)
Alex Jones: Well, the ‘Star Wars’ analogies are really rich, right now. “Strike me down, I should become more powerful than you could possibly imagine,” or Darth Vader walks into Governor Tarkin and says, “He is here. Obi-Wan Kenobi, surely he must be dead.” And of course, then they learn that he’s there, and he goes, “If this is true, he must not be allowed to escape.” Darth Vader says, “Escape is not his plan. I must face him alone.”
To the New World Order, Darth Vader is Trump. I mean, they are crapping their britches and everybody’s celebrating and feels all this good stuff. But the New World Order ain’t gonna give up.
Daniel Estulin, continuing on, you got cut off by the break. This is just epic history. This is truth, stranger than fiction. This is just an incredible time to be alive. What would you advise Trump to do right now? What are the blind spots? They’re gonna try to kill him again. What happens if they do kill him?
Daniel Estulin: I think the general strategy needs to be understood. I don’t know what the strategy is, but this is how I see the game being played out. I see two scenarios. If you’re the Deep State. And so, Trump has to react to that.
Delaying the start of the civil war or moving it forward, as quickly as possible. And I think that the scenario of delaying the civil war will win out. And this will be a bad situation for the United States.
The Deep State, as you said, is now in a panic mode. And so this is a political panic, because they lose the elections, you know? And everybody’s saying, “God is on our side. That was God who saved Trump.” And okay, this clamor is right. And this is very important. Maybe Europeans don’t understand this. But for the Protestant ethic in the United States, “God is on our side,” it’s very important. And this is how I see the events playing out:
Trump wins the Election. And you have this enormous pressure being put on him, as the winner, to be generous and forgive everyone for their past sins.
If I were the Deep State, I would make very big concessions, okay? And the main thing, which is one of the key policy decisions for Trump: a reindustrialization of the United States and the weakening of the US ties with international organization, okay? But for this, the Deep State must change its ideology.
And it’s quite possible that again, these steps will lead to a political crisis in California and some other Southern states, okay? There’s already talk about the collapse of the United States. And this is another possible scenario for civil war, that the people with Trump, Trump’s cabinet, Trump decision makers, they need to understand.
I repeat, a civil war, Alex, is a positive outcome for the United States. And it is extremely necessary for the United States, if it wants to move forward. Why do I say this? Because the country needs – actually must – solve its internal contradictions, before it can heal itself.
I’m not saying I want “Death to America”. I’m not saying I want Americans killing themselves. But what I’m saying is America, right now, okay, is metastasis, you have cancer. For the body to rid itself of the cancer, you need to go in and cut.
The only way that these two extremes, because America is today two societies who hate each other. The only way that this can be solved and resolved is an armed conflict. That is the only way.
Now, had this happened back in 2020 when the elections were stolen. Then, the United States would have come out at the end of 2021, maybe beginning of 2022, okay? Much saner, much better, much healthier, still the world’s leader. And all the things we’re seeing globally right now would have been avoided.
He didn’t do it. That was a lost opportunity, okay?
Now, I want to remind you of something else. Immediately after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the Democrats, they began accusing Trump of organizing this PR campaign and staging the event.
But the very fact that, among Trump’s supporters, one Italian-American was killed, you know, defending his family or protecting his family from them being killed. And two other people were seriously injured shows that this is not a staging.
Alex Jones: Corey Compertore, I believe is how you say his name. Yeah. These were real. You can’t fake something like that.
Daniel Estulin: This was a full-fledged assassination attempt, an attempt to assassinate a former US President and current US Presidential Candidate. And when you ask the banal question again, who benefits? You come to the same conclusion: Democrats, in the tradition of the United States of America, have gone to great lengths in the past to stop a politician they don’t like.
Now, Trump miraculously survived. The shooter missed. But again, a question, as I asked earlier, can we expect another assassination attempt? Absolutely.
So, Trump has to be very, very clear about what he’s going to do, how he’s going to reindustrialize America, okay? The relationship with –
Alex Jones: (Interrupting) Hold on, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Gotta take a one-minute break to join some stations. Let’s finish up on this. You’re absolutely on target. I wanna talk about this when we come back in 60 seconds. Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Trump’s Obi-Wan Kenobi moment, but he survived. The Deep State is in total disarray. They’re gonna try to kill him again.
Daniel Estulin’s gonna speak about this in a moment. Then Scott Bennett, former Army intel officer and a really smart patriot joins us. But here’s the famous ‘Star Wars’ clip.
(Roll scene from ‘Star Wars’ with Darth and Obi-Wan fighting with their Light Sabers))
Darth Vader: I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but a learner. Now I am the Master.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Only a master of evil, Darth.
Darth Vader: Your powers are weak, Old Man.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: You can’t win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Darth Vader: You should not have come back.
Luke Skywalker: (Stumbling onto the scene) Ben?
Obi-Wan sees Luke and puts down his sword, allowing Darth to strike him down, whereupon, he dematerializes and his clothes fall to the ground).
Alex Jones: Truth is stranger than fiction. And we are now living in the time of the enemy attack on America.
And you’ll look back on this and wish you were involved in the second American Revolution to save the worlda and stop World War III. You got interrupted by the break, Daniel Estulin, Best-Selling author, expert on the New World Order, the incredible connections around the world.
You were getting into, their only move left is to try to kill Trump. That, of course, will backfire, as well; why I played the Obi-Wan Kenobi clip from ‘Star Wars’ Episode IV.
But what can we do to get in the Deep State’s face, nonviolently, to let them know that no trajectory they’re on will give them victory? Is it possible to not have the Civil War and to get them to surrender?
Daniel Estulin: I don’t think so, Alex. I don’t think so. I think we’re beyond that phase. Again, we clearly understand that this was a conspiracy against Trump. And the forces opposing him, they understand the risks of conducting an investigation of the 2020 elections and four years of Biden’s rule.
And they perceive this as a complete collapse of, not only their careers, also their imprisonment. Remember in 2016, Trump said about Hillary Clinton, “You’re going to be in prison”? And perhaps even their own death. And so, the game today, again, Alex, is for keeps and the stakes are too high.
And now Trump’s security will be strengthened. And you’re going to have professionals who are going to be brought in. They had a chance to kill him. They failed. And a second attempt is possible, but unlikely, because for the organizers of such an attempt, the risks of being discovered are just way too high.
And so, going back in the United States, the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, and also the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, they follow the same pattern. The shooter is given the opportunity – given the opportunity to shoot – and then once the job is done, the shooter is killed. Well, that’s how conspiracies work.
Later, it turns out that the shooter was a madman on his own crazy motives for wanting Trump dead. And so, this carefully crafted conspiracy makes sure that any possible clues as to the motive, they die with the shooter.
Who knows, the media will tell you maybe even Putin was behind this. Remember, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin? Or maybe Castro, maybe Maduro –or maybe who knows who – Jedis, maybe the intergalactic Jedis, or Darth Vader, himself. Because the world is full of crazy people.
But the key takeaway from any conspiracy, Alex, is that the government knows the Deep State is involved. The conditions were created for this “Lone Killer” to appear. And the guards, the guards, they created the conditions for him to make the killing shots. Not one, not two, not three, not four. We’re talking about five shots were fired.
And of course, the rest is history. The presidential candidate is dead, the shooter is taken out, end of story. And after this unsuccessful assassination attempt, the Deep State, they’re scared sh!tless, because there’s little time before the elections.
It’s impossible to make a second attempt. They will try, yes, they will, okay? And if it isn’t, you’ll have mass protests in America. You can always try to falsify the election results, but they’ve tried that tack back in 2020. I don’t see it working very well this time around.
And so a few days, remind you before the assassination attempt, it was said that the decision was made to replace Biden with Kamala Harris. And in this case, if Trump were dead, then Harris would most likely defeat any other Republican candidate.
What do I see right now, Alex? Now, I’m gonna say it on your program for the first time: Okay, they tried killing Trump, it didn’t work. They need to get rid of Biden, they can’t, because he won’t leave. He won’t leave, because he wants to protect his son and Biden’s wife, whatever the Hell her name is, because she doesn’t wanna lose her First Lady privileges.
Okay, so they’re gonna milk the Biden cow until the cows come home. But the people who run the Democratic Party, they don’t want Biden there. They understand he can’t win. They need to bring someone else.
What am I trying to say? Okay, I’m not suggesting it. The CIA, the NSA, all the agencies are watching right now. I’m not suggesting it. I’m saying it, as an analyst, that there’s a likely possibility that the Deep State will take advantage of the fact there was an attempt made on Trump’s life and they will try to kill Joe Biden.
And they’re gonna say, “Some say crazy guy from the Republican Party. You know, he was incensed by the fact that somebody wanted to kill their Donald Trump. He went out and tried to kill Joe Biden. He succeeded.” Absolutely, I see this as feasible. They need to write off somehow with Joe Biden.
They need to write-off Joe Biden.
Alex Jones: I 100% agree. I 100% agree. I believe, if they were successful at killing Trump. They already have a shooter ready to kill Biden and then blame Republicans and try to neutralize and say, “Okay, it’s all fair, both are dead.”
Daniel Estulin: That’s what I’ve been saying. There’s one way to divide the country in two. It’s the “Us against them” mentality. Divide, divide, divide, divide. It’s the Devil dividing. The Devil divides.
And the idea is that you can’t win the election, okay? You get the two sides to hate each other so much, okay? Because, the Republicans are gonna come out and vote, the Democrats are saying, we can’t really vote for this guy. But if this guy’s killed –
Alex Jones: (Interrupting) No, no, no, I totally agree. So, let me ask this, in closing. Biden – and I’ve shown the video – we should play it again after you leave. When his address Saturday, or was it Sunday? The arrogance was gone. He looked like he was deflated. He looked scared. I think he’s smart enough to know the Deep State’s gonna kill him next.
Daniel Estulin: I don’t think he’s smart enough to know, because he can’t remember what happened five minutes ago, as Trump said in the debate, I got –
Alex Jones: (Interrupting) Well, let me ask you this. I watch body language. I’ve been looking at him for 30+ years and hate his guts and know him very well. But he looked defeated and absolutely scared. I’m sure you saw the video. What did you make of that?
Daniel Estulin: Well, it probably all depends on how many pills they gave him five minutes before that, okay? I don’t think he’s there. He doesn’t understand. I mean, he has dementia. The guy should not be a president of anything, okay?
Yes, he looks scared, but I’m not sure if he looks scared, because he understood the gravity of the situation or because he didn’t get enough pills to actually be in decent enough shape to actually function or half-function.
I don’t know, okay? But Trump handled, again, his assassination attempt perfectly and his numbers went through the roof. What are we looking at, 65, 70%? They’re saying 58, but you can add another 10 points easily. They’re saying 532.
Alex Jones: I know people that know Trump well. He thrives in attacks and pressure and that’s when you see that he’s the real deal. Daniel, how do people find your bestselling books?
Daniel Estulin: Alex, before we go, I just opened up my new English-language YouTube channel, okay? A lot of people have been asking about our Spanish channel. Now, this is the time to join the forces and have the English-language channel so that the English-language Patriots in America and the rest of the world can actually listen to what I’m talking about in English. Can you flash that, if possible, so people can actually see my –
Alex Jones: Yes, and we’ll have you back to talk about it. Well, what’s the URL?
Daniel Estulin: It’s a good question. What’s the name of the channel? Is it Daniel Estulin English? Daniel Eschulent English Official. Hang on, if you give me one second, I’m going to put it up so people can actually see it.
I thought I sent it to you. Here it is. So this is what it looks like, okay? This, Daniel Estulin Official.
This is the English-language channel, Daniel Estulin Official.
Alex Jones: And people should follow you on X, too. It’s incredible work. You have several X accounts. What’s the best X account?
Daniel Estulin: The best one is x.com/EstulinVZ. This is my Twitter account or whatever they call it right now. And again, Daniel Estulin Official YouTube channel in English. We’re having two fresh videos every single week. We got to do this right.
You know, this is it, Alex. This is it, okay? The Deep State is a lot of trouble. We got to make sure they lose. Yes, this is –
Alex Jones: We love you. We love you, Daniel. Talk to you soon.
Daniel Estulin: Take care.
A few liittle problems – one, Trump is Israel’s Bitch, and two, Getting rid of the CIA was one of JFK’s promises – we know how that went.
International Public Notice: No More “Bait and Switch”
Bait and Switch is one of the oldest con games in the world. You offer one product, and substitute another.
This is what the British Territorial U.S. Government has been doing to the American People for over 160 years.
Abraham Lincoln was the “President” of a foreign corporation merely calling itself “the United States of America, Incorporated” — not the President of our unincorporated American Federation of States, not even the President of our Federal Republic.
Donald Trump is playing the same game.
Lincoln unlawfully converted our American Armed Forces into British Crown Territorial Mercenaries without a word to the troops or to us.
There is no evidence in the record that they were ever lawfully converted back to the status of honorable soldiers after that.
This explains why SERCO, a British Crown Corporation, is their Paymaster. It explains why such characters as George H.W. Bush and General Norman Schwarzkopf were knighted by QEII.
They are not our Presidents and not our Armed Forces — until and unless they lawfully convert back to their birthright American status and cease functioning as “U.S. Citizens”.
U.S. Citizens are not Americans. They are British Territorials, like the people of Puerto Rico and Guam.
They may serve under the Constitution of 1789, but they are not Parties to them and do not receive the Guarantees or have the authority to enforce these venerable contracts on the other Principals. We do.
This situation also mandates the Funky Monkey political party straw poll elections that have been substituted for our Public Elections. These events are fraudulently deceptive in that they are designed to make the American people believe that: (1) they are voting for a President occupying their own Public Office; and (2) that their vote for a foreign corporation’s “President” counts, when in fact, it’s just an opinion poll.
The “President” of the foreign British Territorial corporation involved is elected by the shareholders of that corporation, who are represented by “Electors” — who are members of the Electoral College.
This same foreign corporation doing business as “the United States of America, Inc.” and its Successors and affiliates have engaged in another fraudulent practice — registering American babies and using their names to create franchises for their own benefit, without disclosure.
They have the Usufructuary Duty to hold all Americans affected by this practice harmless and exempt from any charges, harm, or consequence resulting from the existence of these fictional — and unconscionable U.S. Territorial franchises — but they conveniently “forget” and routinely charge Americans for debts and charges owed by their “similarly named” franchises—-especially tax debts and mortgages.
Their courts are all cesspits engaged in accidentally-on-purpose committing crimes of personage and barratry against Americans, under the known pretense that those Americans are U.S. Territorial Citizen Franchises or Federal Municipal Corporation franchises deemed to be “citizens of the United States”, instead.
They have tried to dignify all this as something occurring under The Law of War, from 1861 to today, but no actual War ever existed. No Congress competent to declare war ever declared anything about the so-called “American Civil War”.
Nor has our Congress of States ever declared anything about any “war” since then.
This means that all actions undertaken since 1860 by Lincoln and by the unlawfully converted American Military Forces have been Mercenary Conflicts. There has been no basis for Martial Law, District Courts, or any of the other harms offered against us, their Employers, who were always owed “good faith” and “due diligence”.
These aforementioned fraud schemes have all been crimes carried out in gross self-interest by commercial and municipal mercenaries that are supposed to be working for us, not the British Crown, and not the Holy Roman Empire.
The entire circumstance is all criminal and it is all fraud and it is not covered under The Law of War and it never has been.
Now, the “Bait and Switch” artists who switched their President for our President, our Armed Forces for their Mercenaries, and who accessed our credit under conditions of similar identity theft and deceit, have “offered” to occupy our American Federal Republic or to substitute their British Territorial Corporation’s version of “a” Federal Republic for ours.
We have declined the offer and draw the world’s attention to the “Bait and Switch” that these same corporate criminals are attempting now.
The banks, including the Bank for International Settlements and its members, and the Global Federal Reserve and its members, and the members of the BRICS Alliance, are hereby served Notice of the Facts:
These corporations don’t “represent” us and are operating in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts. Our funds are not to be expended or provided to them for any purpose beyond defending our country from invasion or attack.
All Treaties need to be reviewed in terms of authority to contract; these corporations have never had any authority to contract for us or to dispose of our assets— this includes land and soil assets and assets in American Admiralty jurisdiction.
We have heard that these corporations have invited demons into our world and have even signed a Peace Treaty under duress with these same demons.
They may be under duress, but we are not. They may believe in “Star Princesses” and 3,000 year old Chinese Elders, but we do not.
They have no ability to sign any actual treaty affecting the land and soil or any land and soil assets rightfully belonging to us. And never did.
We are not federal Subjects and we are owed their Usufructuary Duty with respect to all and any franchises of theirs that they have named after us.
From the Treaty of Manila Bay to the G23PO Treaty and beyond, these corporations may be great pirates and excellent con artists, but they do not have any authority to establish treaties for us, nor, as corporations, do they have any right to exist, except for lawful purposes they have violated.
This means that they are not our Trustees; they are only the Trustees of their own bankrupt, civilly dead, and to us, unconscionable franchises, they have named after us — empty shelf corporations domiciled in Puerto Rico and derived Municipal Corporations domiciled in the Municipality of Washington, DC.
Any and all beneficial interest in the assets cashiered in these trusts and any stocks, bonds, titles or other assets and property interests vested “in the name” of Americans are owed back to those Americans as “gift franchises” and private property.
As these “gift franchises” were unconscionable to us as babies and also to our parents who were never given disclosure, those responsible for these swindles are attempting to avoid their responsibility to return the purloined assets to the victims of this outrageous scam and are attempting to continue their impersonation of Americans as British Territorial Citizens and/or HRE Municipal Corporations deemed to be “citizens of the United States”.
We are full up to the top with all this corporate bull crap.
Mr. Trump is specifically forbidden to enter our American Federal Republic or to misrepresent us by promoting any British Territorial or Incorporated Substitute for our American Federal Republic. He must Cease and Desist from any Bait and Switch activity whatsoever.
There is no “war” and any Pretense of War or action under color of law is served just rebuttal.
These corporations are supposed to be serving our lawful civilian government, not preying upon our people and stealing us blind.
We did not create and are not responsible for the existence or expenses or charges against any of these foreign franchise corporations named after us or after Americans in general.
The American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America — Unincorporated, delegated all powers ever held by the dormant American Federal Republic, and all other Federal Subcontractors, including “the United States of America, Inc.”
We are certainly competent to exercise powers that we delegated in good faith to them, upon their failure to perform.
The actions that this particular foreign Subcontractor, the United States of America, Incorporated, has taken “in our names” while pretending to “represent” us, have all been undertaken in fraud, from the moment Abraham Lincoln confused his corporate “presidency” with the Public Office we are owed.
Their “President” is not our “President” and all the “excess” monies and assets of ours they have purloined, and all credit based on our assets, that they have accessed using this fraud scheme, are no different than monies paid to any other Executor de Son Tort or Credit Card Hacker.
The American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America — Unincorporated — is serving International Public Notice of all these facts: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Conduct your business accordingly.
The Joint Chiefs are invited to contact our Fiduciary directly for assistance.
Hi ,
I read the transcript , But this Daniel Estonia is too fixeated on star wars for me ,
Had to stop read at the part of Darth Vader and Ben talking, then Luke shows up and Ben gets vaporized ,
I have never seen Star Wars had zero interest in a movie that had people waiting 2jours in line to buy tickets back in the 1970s ,
I don’t like following the crowd.
And this Daniel Estonia is to focused on a civil ear being the only option ,
I totally disagree with that…
How come no one has mentioned that Trump and secret service could of staged the shooting ????
I’m not a Democrat or Republican but the snipers that took out the Crook kid could have been the shooters not crook ,
I grew up watching wrestling and my mom dated wrestlers in the early 1950s ,
It’s been proven some wrestling matches are already scripted as to who gets bloody the most and who wins ,
And it’s Weird/ Strange Trump picked a VP who is close to Peter Theil if spelled correctly ,
Peter Theil ‘s emails were exposed to bec connected to gain of function / vaccines ,
I read 1 article where someone said Trump took a bullet for America ,
The only way that statement is TRUE is if he knew ahead of time the bullet was coming to get a couple spectators ,
Too many things in the way when trump bent down ,
I watched it live The Blood on Trump’s ear took awhile to develop ,
The shots sounded weakije a low powere6gun / rifle.
The public will never know what Really Happened …
And another thing that’s really odd / Strange is the Cellphone call Between Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr that was recorded by Robert Kennedy Jr kid cause Robert Kennedy Jr had his cellphone on speaker phone mode ,
Trump can be heard Clearly talking about How He’s aware of The Dangers of Vaccines But to this Day Trump Still takes credit for Warp Speed Vaccines ,
I’m on the team of Both Democrats and Republicans are Controlled by the elites ,
In my opinion and there’s others who believe this also and That’s The United States is Chapter 18 of The Book of Revelations in The Bible.
I’m seriously started to believe or say it’s a good possibility maybe Trump staged it to scare Biden , make Biden worry it could happen to him is another angle ,
Well never know.
Trump did say a few times Fake News , which Technically is bad to say , I know people who no longer watch any news, and technically that’s bad cause even though we live in a society that bad weather reports get texted to people’s cellphones of a tornado coming, sometimes without watching the news on television people get caught off guard in bad weather conditions ,
I know people it happened to.. luckily they were okay.
Yeah I’m leaning towards governor Newsom being the Democrat nomination to Run for Democrats.
The Electoral College Vote decides the united states president, not The Public.
It’s All an illusion, a circus and pony show,
I beg your pardon, Alexandra. So it was the tech. Sorry. I’ve had several comments removed from Mike Adams’ , so called “free speech platform “. And I just crapped. But you’re the big lady, now. Again, thanks for allowing me to speak. Capt Joe.
I have never censored you, because you always stay within humanistic bounds and don’t descend into violence, etc.
You have to understand that comments posted to my site then become associated with *me*, as the publisher and having now been blacklisted by every good ad network and de-platformed by every major tech company, I kind of don’t care about “your feelings” anymore, because I have been financially ruined for doing so.
I hope you understand.
Anyone peddling the bs kayfabesination attack as “unstaged” is announcing to anyone with a brain “I’m CONTROLLED OPPOSITION !”
for comments from peeps with actual sniper experience, see:
So, you censored my comment, ‘eh Alexandria? Thanks, must not have descending voices. Capt Joe.
That was the spam filter freaking out at all your buzzwords. I’ve released it from the queue.
Listen to these people. Civil war is good for the U.S.. We must have civil war. So. Let’s kill off all of the poor. Yes. And we must kill off all of the elderly. And all of the disabled. Yes. They will all be killed off first. The low hanging fruit . You know. The easiest to get rid of. Then the blood lust can really get going. Then anyone other than the Christians. Of course, those wicked Muslims. And the “rag heads”. Fuckin’ A. Then , we’ll have a more prosperous nation. And the Zionists can have all of the Middle East. From the river to the sea. I’m salivating and drooling . And then we will seriously provoke Putin, and really get this going. You know. For a more perfect Union. And a more perfect world. Thanks, for allowing me to speak, Capt Joe.
Daniel brings excellent info, BUT why would he put his info on YouTube which is censored and taken down if the commentary cannot pass the “editor” babies who will take him down sooner rather than later. He is on the edge of a cliff. Why not post on Rumble???!!!
if they shoot all the actors who’s left except the military to run the shitshow . we must be getting close to a wrapup this has season finale vibes all over it . time to cancel the old farts to bring in sum fresh blood to thrill the peeps sitting in the cheap seats . are you not entertained by the diaper clad gladiator fixin to be yeeted and fed to the awesome under dawg maximus trumpacus howling his FUK FUK FUK signature war cry .
I was so eager to hear Daniel Estulin interview you just sent out. But it will not play. Something must be wrong with it? Can you please send out a corrected link?
Thank You!
It’s playing fine where I uploaded it on my Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/v5790s1-bilderberg-expert-advises-trump-he-must-destroy-the-intelligence-apparatus.html
I’ll try re-uploading and embed the new version but the one above plays fine.
The Estulin video won’t play for me. Also, I did buy some ProImmune from the add on your site but they didn’t accept or apply the Forbidden code word.
I’m sorry to hear that. I contacted customer support about your order but it’s after 6PM and he’s out of the office but will be back tomorrow.
video WILL NOT play, Alex
Something wonky going on with Rumble. I uploaded the video directly to the substack post:
7:30 pm still will not play