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Battle Between Biden and Barack

This video was retruthed on Monday night by Mike Flynn from Master Sargent Jack Dona (Retired), who shared it with the comment:

“All, please take 4 minutes to watch this video. It is unlike any commentary I have heard yet. Devin Nunes lays it all out. We are witnessing a battle at the federal government between Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Biden controls the White House, and Obama controls the FBI and DOJ. Biden was NOT supposed to run again. THIS IS A MUST LISTEN TO VIDEO!”

In the video, Devin Nunes tells OAN Washington Bureau Chief, John Hines, “It’s highly unlikely Biden’s going to be the nominee…Team Obama is the one that’s been running the Biden White House. And I think that the giveaway here is…this: the night before Biden runs, Susan Rice, who’s the Domestic Policy advisor, one of Obama’s top lieutenants, she’s running the White House – she exits Stage Left in the middle of the night. She’s gone.

“So that tells me that clearly, she was not on board for another Biden administration. I think what they were trying to do, cut a deal with the kid [Hunter Biden] with that phony gun charge that they tried to do in Delaware, go to Biden and say, ‘Look, we got your kid off, it’s time for you to get the Hell out.’ He didn’t and I think that’s the problem, here.

“Obama can’t control Biden and Biden’s wife, because at the end of the day, Biden controls that important title, the Presidency. So, he’s got a very small circle within the White House and the walls are closing in round the Biden family…”

Hines asks him what he makes of Jim Jordan’s subpoena of Merrick Garland over the DOJ’s spying on lawmakers. Nunes responds, “Garland, himself wasn’t there. They spied on my staff and Senator Grassley’s staff…We knew about this a year ago but these are all the same players. There’s only a few removed…There’s only, like three or four layers here of people that are still at the DOJ or FBI or their people are still there.

“Either they were in the Obama administration, they set up the Russia Hoax, they put in people that spied on Congress, all of this goes through. They were involved in Ukraine, the Hunter Biden laptop – all of these things are related. When you really get down to it, there’s probably only about two to three dozen people and that’s why they have to cast – they have to bring in all the criminality, all the corruption that’s really tearing at the heart of this country, of how they have manipulated and poisoned the justice system, all the way, now to the courts. If you only focus on that, you’re going to let the two dozen criminals go who are still there.”

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