Rupert Sheldrake’s 10 Dogmas that Are Holding Back Science
* Nature is mechanical
* Matter is unconscious
* The laws of nature are fixed
* The total amount of matter and energy is the same
* Nature is purposeless
* Biological heredity
* Memories are stored inside of the brain as material traces
* The mind is inside the head
* Psychic phenomena, like telepathy are impossible
* Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that works – if natural remedy or other healing practice seems to affect physical healing, this is merely due to chance or the placebo effect.
Biochemist, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake begins this fascinating talk on how scientific materialism is a kind of dogmatic religion. He begins by describing how mainstream science portrays the phenomenological world as entirely mechanistic and how it denies the existence of anything outside of the world of molecules. He explains how machinery became the founding metaphor in the sciences, in a rupture from the older European scientific model that preceded the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century.
He describes this earlier model as a kind of “Christian Animism”. It was then taught that the Earth was a living organism, that stars were alive, the heavens were alive with angelic minds and that animals had souls. In fact, the word “animal” comes from the Latin word, anima which means “animating principle” or “soul”. Everything including God was previously alive and purposeful.
He says the new scientific model removed the souls from everything outside of humanity and turned it all into “purposeless machinery” as he calls it.
Sheldrake launches into a discussion of modern cosmology and intelligent design, neither of which he supports. He believes in God but not in an intelligent, engineering Designer outside of the cosmos. He tells a humorous account about his close friendship with Martin Rees, the current Astronomer Royal in Britain and former President of the Royal Society and about how a current physics theory about quadrillions of universes was designed with the specific purpose of enabling science to “get rid of God.”
He says the debate between this theory and intelligent design wouldn’t be necessary if the laws of nature didn’t need to be fixed but if they were seen to be more like tendencies or “habits”.
Since the 1980s, Rupert Sheldrake has been bravely discussing his original thoughts, such as his hypothesis on morphic resonance (which was recently censored by TED) and this talk is a real treat.
So… he is the scientist version of a quack, then??
He’s a biochemist. He’s been a scientist for 50 years but publishing his heretical views since the early ’80s.
There are morhic fields and morphogentic presences, where a metamorphose is possible.
Inside this morhic field around the earth (earth aura) are some general impacts active.
The impact of emotional splitting, fission, resulting in any kind of war.
A morphogentic presence of being split is the result.
The impact of emotional fusion, healing, resulting in any kind of love.
A morhogenetic presence of healing is the result.
The impact of feeling, resulting in a being, as f.e. being human.
A morhogenetic presence of being human is the result.
A steadily metamorhose is now possible, where morhogenetic beings change and transform themselves all the time.
Here the personal painful past disappears out of the morphgentic body.
Such a being is a genius, transforming his genes.
Emotional delight
Any self organises itself by nourishing, taking inside the needed emotional information by its self-desire, where the result also is that a kind of emotional informal leaves this self.
The basic energy of any emotion has the structure of a wave,
where the wave is build up by points.
Any self organisation is spiritual,
creating spiritual matter and mass by a spiritual energy,
which energy is a force by a direction of energy.
The self of plants.
Plants are present inside a vegetative “universe”, world, nature and now organizing them self.
They nourish themselves in a vegetative emotional way from plants, the sun, the earth, the animals and the different human beings. They all are spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The self of animals.
Animals are present inside an animalistic “universe”, world, nature and now organizing them self.
They nourish themselves in an animalistic way from animals, the sun, the earth, the plants and the different human beings. They are all spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The self of human personalities.
Personalities are present inside a universe, world, nature of personalities and now organizing them self.
They nourish themselves in a personality way from animals, the sun, the earth, the plants and the different human beings. They are all spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The self of human persons.
Persons are present inside a universe of persons, world and nature, now organizing them self.
They nourish themselves in a personal way from animals, the sun, the earth, the plants and the different human beings. They are all spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The self of being human.
Human beings are present inside a universe, world and nature of human being, now organizing them self.
They nourish themselves in a human way from animals, the sun, the earth, the plants and the different human beings. They are all spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The self of being spiritual.
The spiritual self is present inside a universe, world and nature of spirituality, now organizing itself.
It nourishes itself in a spiritual way from animals, the sun, the earth, the plants and the different human beings. They are all spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The self of the earth.
The earthly self is present as an earthly universe, world and nature, now organizing itself.
It nourishes itself in an earthly way from animals, the sun, the earth, the plants and the different human beings on earth. They are all spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The self of the sun.
The sun self is present as a sun universe, world and nature, now organizing itself.
It nourishes itself in a sunny way from animals, the sun, the earth, the plants and the different human beings. They are all spiritual beings, with their individual spiritual emotions.
The universal self.
The universal self is present as a universe, world and nature, now organizing itself.
It nourishes itself with all selves present inside universe.
This listing shows in a bit technical way that the whole concern inside spiritual universe is nourishing, as I stated above.
Any self organises itself by nourishing,
taking inside the needed emotional information by its self-desire,
where the result also is
that a kind of emotional informal leaves this self.
In short:
It concerns taking inside spiritual information and “letting go” of information.
Because I think always in terms of attraction, now taking in base on attraction, where now letting go of information also has to be thought as attraction.
This way I state: attracting inside into the own being and attracting to the outside by a partner being.
In universal terms:
Attracting to the interior universe and attracting to the external universe, where in between also a universe is present. This universe is a self in all the various ways, which are present.
taking in spiritual information and letting go. This is a kind of flow? Or a reciprocation?
It is possible to “eat” information. By eating an information a metamorphose appears.
There is a difference between understanding and comprehending, where comprehending is eating. Like a stomach, what takes in and digests it, where the usefull information goes into the belly and the not usefull goes down the drain.
You know what an aura is, I guess.
All the colours of this aura can become reunited into white light INSIDE the human being.
Now the enlightened one can heal himself.
Hi ,.. we need more of this thinking .. Thank you … John..
If you don’t have an open mind, then how can you learn? I know, that is so simple, but true.
Dr. Steven Greer MD and CSETI, CE-5 The best path for global peaceful change is CE-5 protocols. Be the change.
IMHO, these ten items are not dogmas. They’re just delusions that are used dogmatically -by some. I see no reason to give them power by calling them dogmas like they’re written in stone.
Agreed if you’re a layperson (an interesting thing to call a non-scientist, when science is not supposed to be a religion, right?).
I think that because Rupert Sheldrake is a 75-year old career scientist, these 10 items do occur as dogma to him. He has been ridiculed mercilessly for not towing the line of mainstream science and his ideas are seen as very fringe. I think he’s brilliant.
Another great find, thanks Alexandra. I love how he pokes fun at his dogmatic friends in the science establishment. What an enlightened thinker. His like will win in the end I’m certain of it
……..As indeed he is … John ..