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1 Year Delay in Economic Reset: Jim Willie

Alexandra Bruce
October 6, 2015

I’ve been so busy with making deals with subscriber-vendors for the the new site, that I really can’t miss reporting on some seriously big stories, that I need to commiserate with readers about, and hopefully chill out some of the Americans reading this – and potentially those using currencies which might be further disrupted, were the USD to lose percentage points in the “basket” of currencies allocated in “Special Drawing Rights” and who have been fear-mongered half to death over this by some of the “Alternative” Financial Advisors of cyberspace.

By “Alternative”, I mean NOT Jim Cramer and anyone else on CNBC or anywhere else, who tells you that everything is hunky dory with the the US stock market and with the US Dollar.

When I say “Alternative”, I don’t mean anything negative, per se. I agree much more with these “Alternative” financial advisors than with anyone who thinks that the US can continue to counterfeit its own currency and force the rest of the world to float its debt indefinitely.

But at least this news was a bit of a reprieve from the gloom and doom we’re being bombarded with, over here, regarding the imminent collapse of the dollar and the impact that this would have on us “U.S. Persons”, ( and especially those who are Permanent Residents of the US, who, with few exceptions must conduct the bulk of their financial transactions with US Dollars.

Last Thursday, on October 1st, we (i.e. the little guys of the US) just got a fleeting “Get of Jail Free” card, when the IMF determined that the Chinese Yuan (i.e. Renminbi) could not (yet) qualify as a Global Reserve Currency and thus upset the current allocations of “Special Drawing Rights,” in the “basket” of currencies and which still remain:

US Dollar: 41.9%
Euro 37.4%
Japanese Yen 9.4%
British Pound 11.3%

Many forecasters, including Stansberry Research’s Steve Sjuggerud had his readers shaking in their boots, that this October 1 meeting would “…kick off one of the largest transfers of money out of US Dollars in our lifetimes.”

Well. It didn’t happen. Not that it won’t – next year. So, us PsyOpped-to-the-max Yanks might have an extra year, to at least get our own, personal financial acts together before the SHTF for real – because, as we all know, the current situation simply cannot
maintain. Never forget that it is better to be a year early than a day late.

Granted, all four Reserve Currencies are skating on thin ice; with the US national debt exceeding the GDP of the entire planet, with the operating budget of Japan relatively, an even worse disaster, etc.,etc., etc.

The credit-worthiness of the US Dollar appears to be largely backed by the US military’s ability to enforce the debt-based, dollar-denominated coin of the Central Banking/OPEC Realm.

Now, with Russia’s military strikes recently having taken control of most of Syria, the hegemony of the US military has been challenged for the first time since that proxy war between these two military superpowers, way back in 1979-1989, during the Soviet-Afghan War, largely credited as the straw that broke the camel’s back, that was the Soviet Union – a moment in history that ushered in the New World order of today and also the introduction of a new era in religion, with the US’ then-Secretary of
State, Zbigniew Brzezinski’s masterminding the radicalization of Islam in previously-moderate Afghanistan, the blow-back of which, combined with the Neocon atrocities committed against Muslim nations, in the aftermath of 9/11 will continue to be used to curtail our rights.

I guess this means the US is at war with Russia. I’m rooting for the team that gets rid of ISIS.

Meanwhile, China, which has just overtaken the US as the largest consumer of petroleum in the world is making Renminbi-based oil deals all over the place. The reason why it didn’t make the Reserve Currency cut this year, as Jim Willie explains, in this interview lies in its bond market – there aren’t enough bonds related to the Renminbi and certainly, the recent implosion of the
Chinese stock market didn’t help its prospects (and one can’t help but wonder if there’s been any outside market manipulation involved?)

The US Congress definitely curtailed my rights, to say nothing of my business, with the passage of the “Media Shield” legislation just over a year ago, ostensibly introduced to protect journalists from having to reveal their sources. This, in a bid to “balance the need for national security with that of a free press” – but which quickly devolved into a law that would oblige the media to gag “extremists” by any means necessary, a legislation, which is what I believe led to Google’s “demonetization” of any content that does not toe the lies of the Mainstream Government Propaganda machine, leading to the demise (hopefully, temporary) of many purveyors of Alternative Media who had for years relied on the advertising revenue of businesses who specifically wished to promote their products in conjunction with Alternative content – thus, have both the advertiser and the Alt journalists been gagged.

A few days after that law was passed, UK’s Prime Minister Cameron, addressed the UN General Assembly about coming together to defend against Islamic Extremism by conflating this with the doubts of people who question the official government narratives about 9/11 and the the 7/7 London attacks, in what Cameron called the “peddling of lies.” (Definitely aiming for our pocketbooks with that one!):–interventionist-bs/decoded-censorship-speechby-david-cameron.html

Furthermore, Cameron called for the creation of a new position at the UN, called the “Special Representative on Extremism.” I’d love to know who got the part! Roasting that person might be a lot of fun!

From Dollar Vigilante, Jeff Berwick, via Activist Post, in a post entitled, “Did The UN Really Install A Global Police Force At The Local Level?” we learn about the implementation of the beyond-Orwellian “Strong Cities Network”.

Allegedly, an initiative of the US Department of Justice, the goal of SCN is “…to strengthen the bond between cities in the US and global cities in the fight against violent extremism, internationally and at the local level. It will funnel help to local authorities of those cities which hop on board…To inspire local action on a global scale.” (Huh?)

So, what’s the definition of an “extremist”? Apparently, anyone who doesn’t completely support the US Federal Government and that of the UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia in their undeclared wars and ceaseless criminal activities, which are at the core of the Neocon Holy Grail of “Endless War.”

Likely, many people reading this, right now would qualify as “extremists,” according to David Cameron, the DOJ, the UN,

The USD might be OK for a minute but the clampdown is coming at us from more angles than just the UN/DOJ’s “Strong Cities Network.”

It is becoming closer to being fully manifest with yesterday’s finalization by the 12 Trade Ministers of the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, what may be the largest and most secretive deal in the history of the world.(1)

Although the terms have been jealously withheld from the public, it is generally known this pact will have grave consequences for
the open Internet.(2)

According to, if implemented, the TPP will censor the Web, criminalize online activities, and cost Internet
users money.(3)

The situation requires that we raise the loudest call ever, before our leaders have the opportunity to ram this pact into law without consulting us.

Tell your Trade Minister: do not overwrite our laws to censor the Web:

We must roll back Internet censorship in the TPP by speak out together, today to demand the full text. If anything in the TPP censors our use of the net, then it must be rejected.

Based on leaked documents, it’s known that this binding plan will make our Internet more censored, expensive, and policed on a global scale.(4)

What’s worse, over 600 lobbyists have had full access to the text – while key legislators and decision-makers are forbidden from seeing it.(5)

Speak out, save the Internet!


[1] TPP deal: US and 11 other countries reach landmark Pacific trade pact. Source: The Guardian.
[2] Trans-Pacific Partnership countries announce “agreement in principle” posing serious threat to global Internet users. Source: OpenMedia
[3],[4] Hundreds of Tech Companies to Congress: TPP and Fast Track Harms Digital Innovation and Users’ Rights. Source: EFF
[5] What Corporations Want with the TPP. Source: Citizen’s Trade

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