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Clif High speaks on Human Origins and our Aquatic Creators

This Clif High interview with new YouTuber, Jenny Moonstone is entertaining, for us Clif High fans. Most of this talk centers on the ancient aquatic creator gods called the Nommo, who he says appear in ancient myths and legends globally. The Nommo correspond to the Oannes myth of the Mesopotamians and the Quinotaur legend of the Merovingians.

Clif says that even the British Royal Family has a peculiar yearly ritual they perform in Wales, where the heir apparent must sit on a particular stone and acknowledge to his parent they are both descendant from a seamonster. (He claims that is the actual term used!) Celtic legends of an underwater “people” are recalled in the origins of the surname MacLachlan and its cognates, like O’Loughlin, which refer to the desendants of an ancient prince who married the daughter of the King of Lakeland (the princess is described as large and dark). Could the Loch Ness Monster refer to ancient memories of such contacts?

The Nommo are perhaps most accurately remembered and worshiped by the Dogon tribe of Mali, Africa, as first revealed to the West in the 1930s by French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen. The Dogon described the Nommos as descending from the sky, whereupon, they immediately set about creating a reservoir and jumped in, as they required a watery environment in which to live.

Dogon legend additionally says the Nommo came from a world that circled Sirius, which they knew to be a binary star system, centuries before Western astronomers’ telescopes would reveal this. Carl Sagan was among many scientists who attempted to debunk this after Robert Temple’s 1970s book, The Sirius Mystery revived the work of the French anthropologists. The Nommos in Temple’s book went on to spawn references in numerous works of science fiction by Philip K. Dick, Tom Robbins, Grant Morrison and others.

Clif says that the indigenous groups that have had the least contact or conquest by imperial powers over the millennia have the best-preserved traditions about the Nommo, citing the Salish and Tlingit tribes of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, as well as the Polynesians.

In characteristic Clif High fashion, the conversation covers lots of interesting ground, including his belief in the Expanding Earth hypothesis and his assertion that the recent spate of Flat Earth meme “Can be traced to a memo that came out of the e-ring in the in the Pentagon in the 2002-2004 period of time and if you look at a lot of the organized parts of the Flat Earth groups you’ll see that behind the scenes there’s a little bit of money flowing in that’s got to be coming from government so I think that the Flat Earth Resurrection at this point is somebody’s psyop.”

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